My mistake..

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I didn't tell anyone. I kept it to myself. I didn't want anyone to, you know question me. And I certainly did not want me or my orphan parents to get hurt so i kept it to myself. Like a little secret. I went on to my normal daily routine. I kept trying to find Lily but I couldn't.  I began to sit down and cry, and cry and cry. Until suddenly, i thought, maybe she's at the barn. I ran downstairs begging Bily to let me walk to the barn for a quick hour so i could, "check the horses." I figured he was suspicious because I wanted to check on them, I don't like horses. In fact I dont like any other animal besides my baby girl Lily. I never check on the horses. In fact, i hate the horses. All they do is make noises that are annoying and give me a headache. He said fine and then let me go but said I needed to be home by 6:00 sharp. I was kind of annoyed by that because I would only have a half an hour to find Lily. It took me 10 minutes to walk there and 10 minutes to walk home. & It was 5:00.  I began walking. It was very windy out. It felt like a ghost town though. Everything was blowing away and I didn't here a single pepe but whistling of the wind. Then suddenly, I heard the cry of my dog Lily. I thought it was my imagination so I kept walking. Then, I heard it agian. It was coming from the woods where I was the guy in black running. I started sprinting for the woods calling for Lily. Then it stopped. I didn't here anything. I walked a little further in the woods and then stepped on some leaves. The sound of leaves scared me half to death. I almost fainted. Then, there I saw Lily laying down. I dropped to my knees. My dog was white and fluffy and kind of little. Not sure what kind of dog she is though. I'm thinking some type of Mix. I sat down next to Lily and tried to feel her pulse. He definetly had a pulse. It was getting late and I figured it was around 5:30. I left my watch at home. I picked up Lily, no blood. Just a little dirt all over her and then walked home. Bily screeched," what happened to the dog Selena!?" I'm not so sure Bill, but she needs to go to the vet. We hopped in the car and went to the vet. On the way there, he questioned me, " I thought you were at the barn, Selena. You could have gotten severly hurt. Where was the dog Selena." I didn't answer. SELENA, where were you and were was the dog?" I began to talk, "Well, I was just walking to the barn Billy and I heard her whimper and she was just lying on the side of the road. No blood. Just dirt. " I lied . Big, mistake. NEVER lie. " He responed quickly, " Well, good thing you and her are safe. Now let's hurry and light!!! I have an injured dog." There was a red light. But, then it went green and we turned right into the vet's office. They rushed Lily into a private room. We couldn't be in there. We waited out in the waiting room for about 20 minutes and told us that Lily was going to stay over night and we could leave. They would give us a call when they knew what was up with Lily. We left the vet's office and went home to Martha. I wasn't talking to Martha. I was still upset with her. I walked right  upstairs, went in my room, locked my doors, and began to ball my eyes out. I didn't know what to do. I felt like my life was falling apart before my eyes and I had no one to talk to about it because the important people/things in my life, were not caring too much. My orphan parents and I weren't on a good note. & Lily, was in the vet's. & We all know, I have no school friends so, therefore, I'm left alone. I felt like my life didn't even matter anymore. But, I wasn't planning on harming myself. I stood taller than everyone thought I could, I kept my head up and stayed strong. Then, we got a call from the vet to go there at 5:00pm tomorrow night. I was okay with that, I guess. I just wish it was sooner. Then, I turned on the TV to the News. They were reporting a crime around my area. Half an Hour away. Some guy, IN BLACK, was robbing houses and ended up steeling valuable things. I got the shivers. It looked like the same guy in black that followed me home. I was scared to walk out of my house now. Just then the news reported, on the move to, Houston. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2013 ⏰

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