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A Fake Holy Mother in the Zombie Apocalypse Chapter 1:
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The prosperous cbd in S city was just during lunch time when office workers from nearby office buildings flocked out, looking for food everywhere. +++ Popular Tanmei Novels: www.sto123.cc

The ladies' little high heels rattled, and the men's suits were stiff, with door cards hanging from their ties, swinging on their chests.

Yishui's well-dressed, the elite of the elite.

In the crowd, there is only one girl who is different and out of place.

Everyone who passed her looked at her in horror.

After all these days, there are not many people who dare to wander around cbd in pajamas at noon.

The girl wore a pajamas with a brown bear printed on it, her long hair draped softly across her shoulders, and a small face—

In fact, everyone who passed by was thinking that although the girl was dressed strangely, her small face was surprisingly holy and beautiful.

Pure as an angel.

The skin is white and flawless, and the innocent and ignorant eyes are crystal clear.

Everyone who happened to stare directly at those eyes would involuntarily turn his head and avoid him in the next second, lest he be seen through the despicableness and sordidness hidden in his heart.

But people's attention was quickly attracted by other things.

An arc cut across the sky.

Almost immediately, there was a loud bang in the middle of the road, and in an instant, an extra pit appeared on the flat and wide asphalt road.

It looked like a meteorite fell from the sky.

The sudden braking of the vehicle and the sound of the horn sounded together. Many pedestrians stopped. A bold driver opened the door and got out of the car and walked towards the crater.

The girl didn't even glance over there, and went on.

"That thing?" the girl asked in her head.

A cheerful male voice replied, "Yes."

Suddenly a scream broke out on the road.

The infection started.

The person who had passed by the meteorite twitched and fell to the ground, mutated, and then rushed to the next person with blood-red eyes and madly biting.

All of them seem to have not eaten in ten years.

One pass two, two pass four, exponential growth is amazing.

For a while, I couldn't tell whether it was a sidewalk or a driveway, and there were rushing people and chasing zombies everywhere.

In the crazy chaos of the apocalyptic scene, only the girl is still keeping the same pace as before, moving forward along the sidewalk.

There were more and more zombies, and soon they were in groups, as if they were running a marathon, just when they were energetic and happy from the starting point.

A squad of zombies screamed and rushed behind the girl.

Like a sudden encounter

In the same way, the zombies automatically moved away to the left and right as soon as they approached.

Go past her, and continue to rush towards the next living person.

It seems that the girl is a telephone pole and a tree.

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