Part 2 - The Door

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Leonora walked up the stairs and said, "Jovie, this is Hera. I found her in the forest all alone. She couldn't remember anything except for a voice. So, I decided to adopt her!" Jovie looked at Hera while moving Hera's hands up and down like a bird flapping its wings and said said, "You mean she's staying here now?" Leonora nodded. Jovie looked at Hera, with wide eyes, the corner of her lips slowly forming a smile, she hugged Hera and cheerfully said, "Now I have a new companion! I can't wait to tell Teapea!" Hera looked at her puzzled, and said, "You have another sister?" "No, Teapea is my pet cat!" said Jovie.
Hera turned around and saw a cat as white as snow walking towards her.
Jovie brought Hera to her room. She opened her closet and handed Hera one of her clothes.
"I've never worn this clothes before, so I guess you could try it on!" said Jovie.
Hera smiled shyly but looked puzzled.
"You don't like it?" asked Jovie.
"No, it's just, why are you both being so nice to me? I'm merely a girl from the forest."
"My mum decided to adopt you because you were all alone in the forest. It reminded her of her childhood when she was only five and was abandoned by her parents or my so called grandparents. Then, a woman saw her and decided to adopt her. That woman is my grandmother! That's the same reason she adopted Teapea. At the time I was born, my father left us to fend for ourselves due to some reason. That was when my mother found Teapea, an injured kitten, by the roadside."
"Miss Leonora has a kind heart..." said Hera. They had a great dinner. Hera caught Leonora looking at her attentively.
"You look around the age of 14," said Leonora.
"Hera, do you want to meet new friends? As in go to school. Do you know what's a school?"
"Surprisingly yes. A place where kids go to learn and I would love to make some new friends!"
"That's wonderful! Then you will go to school tomorrow morning with Jovie!"
"Thank you Miss Leonora."
"Since you're staying here and all, you can call me mom just like Jovie."
"Ok mom."

The night was cold. Hera has never slept in a bed before and if she did, she couldn't remember it. She felt the softness of the cushion and the warm blanket covering her. She felt like she was on a cloud. Yet, she couldn't sleep. She walked out of her room. She walked and walked. She saw a stairway leading to a basement. The basement looked like a storeroom, it was dusty and dirty. Suddenly, she saw a door, shut. Through the gaps, faint light shined. As she walked closer, the light shined brighter than before. She was about to grab the door knob and twist it.
"What are you doing here at this late hour?"
Hera turned and saw Leonora. Suddenly, the light dimmed.
"The room, it was glowing really brightly just now," said Hera.
"Oh Hera that's just my office. Filled with really important things."
"Hera, I know you really like to explore. You can open any doors in this house. But, never open this door. Now off to bed, you have school tomorrow."

Comment what do you think is behind that door as well as your impression on Leonora! Do you think she has bad intentions for adopting Hera or her intentions were as pure as Jovie described?

Continue reading to find out! 😄

Note : The name Teapea is a cat, also known as Reaper from The School For Good And Evil.

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