Part 1

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Cas is wearing bumblebee socks. Honest to God socks with bees on them. So what if he’s a grown man. So what if he used to smite demons with just the palm of his hand. So what. He’s wearing bee socks. 

And he looks adorable as fuck. 

And there are words on the tip of Dean’s tongue, rolling around like salt in the sea, waiting to be washed ashore. 

"Hey, Cas." He finds himself saying. 

"Yes?" Castiel looks at Dean over his coffee cup, his hair sleep mussed and his t-shirt and boxers rumpled and so Cas looking Dean aches.

"I l-" his fingernails dig into the palms of his hands, "-like your socks." He finishes around a wince. 

The minute up-quirk of Cas’ lips is almost too much, and accompanied by his quiet, pleased, “Thank you,” Dean nearly vomits fireballs he feels so warm


Untimely Confessions Of Love And Other Things -- A Hunter's Realization in 5 PartsWhere stories live. Discover now