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    It is finally the day everyone was looking forward to watching a movie.

    It's rare to see a movie in the countryside these days, and the movies are all open-air. Several teams around, and even the commune next door will come to join in the fun, and some people travel several kilometers to see the movie.

    To watch a movie, you must go early to occupy a place, otherwise there will be no place to go.

    Early in the morning, Lin Shenghua told Lu Jinhe about this: "Brother Jinhe, today the Hongqi brigade is playing a movie. Will you go and watch it with me?"

    Lu Jinhe stepped on the accelerator of the tractor, and the tractor suddenly The ground opened.

    He glanced at Lin Shenghua and asked, "Didn't you say you don't go to the movies?"

    Last time Lin Lijuan specially came to make Lin Shenghua a movie with him a month in advance, but this kid said he didn't like watching movies anymore.

    Lin Shenghua knew what Lu Jinhe meant, so he touched his nose angrily, and said, "I want to go again now, Jinhe, you come with me, listen to my uncle's meaning, and wait for our team to release the movie. I have to wait for the second half of the year. I have to wait."

    Lin Lijuan will definitely go to the movie this time. If you see him, I guess he'll get in again. He's almost annoying Lin Lijuan. It's like a dog skin plaster. You can't shake it off. I've said it eight hundred times. Don't bother him, just come.

    If he also went to Jinhe, Lin Lijuan probably wouldn't dare to pester him because he was afraid of Jinhe.

    "I'm not going." Lu Jinhe said concisely.

    Lin Shenghua has known him for so many years, when did he meet him to join in the fun?

    "Don't Jinhe, you should just help me, go..." Lin Shenghua pleaded pitifully. Lu Jinhe's "Don't go" simply hit him to the eighteenth level of hell.

    Seeing Lu Jinhe's calm face and ignoring his expression, Lin Shenghua suddenly had a new idea in his heart. He coughed and deliberately said: "Well, I heard that all the educated youths in our brigade are going to the movies this time, are you sure you won't go, Brother Jinhe?" The

    implication was that Lin Yan would also go.

    Lu Jinhe's eyes flew over, and Lin Shenghua said hurriedly, "I mean, Brother Jinhe, you are the captain of our brigade, and you are in charge of the group of educated youths. They are all going to the movies, why can't you not go? What? If you don’t go, who will protect their safety? I definitely can’t. I really can’t fight with the Hongqi team. I really can’t fight by myself. Jinhe Brother, you go!”

    This kid plays quite well. Well, speaking, it's almost like an old sow wearing a bra, one set after another.

    However, it was exactly what Lu Jinhe wanted.

    Lu Jinhe glanced at him: "...successful."

    On the other side, the entire educated youth spot is preparing for watching movies at night.

    When it comes to movies in the brigade, apart from the children on the brigade, the educated youths from the city are the happiest. The life in the country is too monotonous, and they always find other fun to be active. It's just a pity that there are not many opportunities to watch movies like this.

    Everyone put on beautiful clothes, got dressed up and set off.

    Lin Yan is also looking forward to watching the movie this time. The main reason is that she hasn't tried it yet. The feeling of watching an open-air movie with so many people on the empty ground at night, I can't help but look forward to something new. The expectation of things.

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