Bonus: Murder on the Orient Express

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- this doesn't align with the contents of the fic but I got a request for a bonus chapter - 


"I think it's time we play a game," Ciel tapped his fingers against the table as he looked out the window of the train's car. 

"A game?" Sebastian questioned, standing next to the table. Moriarty and Louis were seated opposite Ciel. 

"Sebastian, is our favorite detective on this train?" he asked. 

"Oh? You noticed, young master?" 

" you mean Mr. Holmes?" Moriarty inquired. 

"Say..." Ciel turned to Moriarty and smiled slightly. He leaned forward, grinning. "Would you like to test his value to your plan?" 

"My lord...are you suggesting..." Sebastian sighed. 

"Come now, Sebastian, are you afraid of dying?" Ciel laughed and leaned back in the booth. "You enjoyed it so much last time. Getting into character meaninglessly." 

"I'm having a difficult time following..." Louis muttered. 

"It shall happen like this..." Ciel raised his finger and began his explanation of the game.


"Liam!" Sherlock's face lit up as he ran toward the booth where Moriarty and Louis were sitting. 

"Mr. Holmes," Moriarty feigned surprise, after being told by Ciel he was already on this train. It wouldn't do if the detective knew he had knowledge of that information. Louis glared. He had sat opposite to Moriarty after Ciel and Sebastian took their leave...and now his personal space was being invaded by the detective. 

"I didn't know you'd be on this train," Sherlock said. 

"Quite the surprise," Moriarty noted, taking a sip of his tea. "What are you doing here, might I ask?" 

"John and I are going to investigate seemingly insignificant events. I'm hoping we will find a thread connecting it to the Lord of Crime." 

"Oh?" Moriarty placed the teacup back in its saucer. He pretended to be ignorant of the event, knowing full well he caused whatever Sherlock was talking about. 

"Say..." Sherlock leaned forward, "are you the Lord of Crime?" 

Louis, slightly panicking, glanced out the window hoping that Sherlock would not notice his unease. Knowing his brother...he would react in a way that forced Sherlock off of his scent. Was this a bluff? However, the words that escaped Moriarty's lips were not ones that he expected. Louis nearly choked on his own spit. 

"Catch me if you can, Mr. Holmes," Moriarty smirked, leaning back in the booth. Sherlock, too stunned to say anything, opened his mouth to reply but a scream was heard from the next car over. The trio stood up to investigate the scene. A bit too timely after Moriarty's declaration but Sherlock said nothing, mind wandering elsewhere. 

"There is a body..." a panicked train attendant boy (who we know is Ciel in a stolen uniform) stepped back from the private room. He covered his mouth with his hand as his face grew pale underneath his hat. Sherlock pushed him out of the way to stare at the scene. A body lay on the floor, footprints beside it, and a broken wine bottle. The security officers on the train appeared shortly after. 

"Please vacate the premises," one officer asked. 

"You'll have to come with me," the other said, grabbing Ciel's arm with a bit of force. 

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