Part 4

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. I sat down on the rough concrete bench and stared at the almost empty senior parking lot. Alex came and sat on the bench next to mine. I smiled a goofy smile. He returned it.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi." He looked over my shoulder a moment at a slick black car.

"Is that your ride?" I asked him, somewhat hoping it wasn't.

"Nah. I think my mom is picking me up. She drives a white Cherokee," he replied, eyes still searching for a familiar car.


"You want to know something funny that happened to me?" he said after a couple minutes of silence.

"Yeah, sure!" I smiled, intrigued.

"So, I was waiting for my grandma, and I saw a black car that looked like hers. I walked up to, opened the door and started talking to her. Only, it wasn't my grandma. It was some random old lady and she was staring at me like I was crazy," he laughed. I couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard. I had tears in my eyes and my stomach was cramping up. It was such an Alex move to get into a stranger's car! This brought another round of hysterical laughter. We sat there, laughing our asses off like a bunch of lunatics.

"Oh, my ride is here," I giggled. I waved goodbye and climbed into the car.

Alex POV

        I talked to her today after practice. Damn. She looked really hot. I told her that story about the time where I walked into the wrong car. God. I was such an idiot sometimes.

"What's up?" Cody said, coming from the training room. He had a bag of ice tied to his hip.

"Hey," I said in a monotone voice.

"Did you talk to that Kyra girl?" he asked me, adjusting the ice in his hip. He took a seat next to me.


"Shit man, do you like her?"

"Nah," I lied.

"Hey, do you need a ride?" Cody asked.

"My mom is coming. I hope," I told him.

"Alright. See you tomorrow at Saturday practice," he called over his shoulder .

"Hell no! I am not going to Saturday practice."

"Whatever. See you Monday then." He jumped into his car and drove away. I ran my fingers through my long red hair. Finally, my mom pulled up and we went home.


Saturday practice was horrible. It was hills (as usual). Even the name sounds bad. If I had thought that Friday was bad, oh God. Alex wasn't there, which was kind of a bummer and I ended up running by myself.


I wondered if I should have gone to practice this morning. Kyra was probably there. I so desperately wanted to sleep in on Saturdays. Girl or sleep? I normally would have chosen sleep, but Kyra wasn't just any girl. She was smart, pretty, funny and not overly flirty. I liked that about here. She reminded me a lot of my ex, Indigo; odd name, pretty face. I couldn't believe I was falling for this girl! God, I was such an idiot sometimes! I was a player, and she didn't deserve me. I decided to go back to sleep since practice was over anyways.


Getting through the rest of the weekend would be difficult. It would take all of my awesome skills to avoid my mother and her chores. I would most likely end up holing up in my small room. I couldn't wait (note sarcasm).

"Ma, I'm tried from practice. I am going to take a shower and take a nap."

"Sure thing, honey! When you wake up, be sure to start on your weekend chores," she said while prepping for tonight dinner.

"Yup," I said as I slowly dragged myself up the stairs dramatically so my mother got the message loud and clear. I reached the top of the carpeted stairs and I resumed my normal stride. I went to my bathroom, shut the door, turned on the shower and stripped. The mirror in front of me began to fog up, letting me know it was warm enough to get in. I drew the shower curtain and stepped into the downpour of steamy water. I cleansed myself and soaked my skin in the relaxing waters. I stayed until my skin was all wrinkly and my fingers became prunes. I sang obnoxiously loud all during my shower. My voice rang and echoed in my big bathroom.

"Hey, Broadway! Shut up," my younger brother Caleb shouted from outside the door.

"Go put some earplugs in if you don't like my amazing voice," I hollered over the sound of running water. Caleb was 13 and thought he knew everything. Sometimes (read: all the time) I had to remind him that I was his elder by 18 months.

"Hey Sis?" I heard my other younger brother say from outside my locked door.


"Can you help me with something?" Aiden asked in a cute little voice.

"Sure, can you give me 15 minutes to get ready, buddy?"

"Okay," he said. I shut off the water and reached for my yellow towel hanging on a rack next to the shower. I snatched it from where it was hanging, wrapped myself up tight in it and stepped out. My feet hit the cold tile floor and I quickly scampered across the bathroom over to my dirty clothes. I grabbed them and slipped into my room undetected. I threw the dirty clothes into the while hamper in the corner of my room and put comfortable clothes on.

"Hey, Sis?" Aiden said again.

"Yeah, buddy?" I sighed.

"Can you help me now?"

"Can you ask Caleb? Sissy is really tired," I said, using my pet name. It was ridiculous and I had outgrown it years ago, but that's what they called me.

"Okay, I will ask brother," he said. I could hear his footsteps pad down the stairs. I was relieved. I could finally call Autum and (of course) get some rest. I picked up my phone and dialed her number.

"Hey, this is Autum. I'm not here right now so leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. BEEEEEP." I didn't see the point in leaving a message because I only called to say "hi", so I hung up. I yawned and crawled under my covers and was asleep in minutes.

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