kissing girls!

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➳ you guys just gotta stop usin olivia rodrigo or jules leblanc all the time- (love them both tho)

➳ each part will include the irl's persons pronouns so pls respect them!!

➳ pls let me know if any of these ppl feel uncomfortable being a fc for fan fiction so i can remove them

➳ similarly if any of these ppl are problematic so i can read up on it so decide if they're rlly problematic or if it's just twitter being twitter (then remove them if such is deserved)

➳ request are open for these, just shoot me their name by dm!

➳ all ages, usernames, & such are update as of the year that i publish it (it will be stated the year)

➳ i am making this list w social media based stories, but if requests for actor/irl based stories i will add!!

➳ hope u enjoy!!

➳ hope u enjoy!!

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