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Heeseung had spent most days with beomgyu trying his absolute hardest to make his friend feel safe and hopefully bring him to speech.

But for now he would let him take his time. When he's ready to speak he will.

So that's why he was currently sitting on a bus with his best friend beside him chatting away while beomgyu was hopefully listening.

They were on their way to a café, bored of being home and wanted a change of scenery.

"Did I tell you Jay visited me the next day?" Heeseung smiled as he turned to face his bestfriend. 

"He comforted me when I opened the door crying. He's a sweet one. I pushed him away a little though since I was busy worrying about you" heeseungs eyes lit up whenever he spoke about jay.

Beomgyu sat staring out of the window. He watched as the world passed by him at quick speed.

They hopped off the bus and headed into the café the warm consuming them as soon as they stepped in.

"What do you want to drink?" Heeseung asked even though he wasn't expecting a response.

"I'll just get you a hot chocolate I know you love them." He shrugged after not getting an answer.

After ordering drinks they took a seat at a table.

A few moments passed until a young boy walked up to them with their drinks.

"Hot chocolate...and a black coffee" the boy placed down the drinks looking rather strangely at heeseung.

"You're Jays friend right?" He asked unexpectedly eying Heeseung up and down.

"0h... Yh you know jay?" Heeseung was taken a back a little but smiled nevertheless.

"Mhmm. We've been bestfriend for years"  the boy seemed agitated.

"I'm jungwon by the way. Don't know if Jay even mentioned me. I know he talks way to much about you" jungwon continued rolling his eyes as he thought about Jay's mind being occupied by someone else.

"My brother tells me to confront people about my problems. But he's kind of... psychotic." Jungwon smirked.

"Anyways. I better get back to work. Enjoy your coffee. Heeseung." Jungwon then walked away Asif he was about ready to murder someone.

"What the hell was that?" Heeseung chuckled as he turned to beomgyu.

Beomgyu just shrugged slightly.

"Weirdos in this town" Heeseung shook his head laughing.

Jungwon entered back behind the counter and huffed angrily.

"Woah calm down there Incredible Hulk" sunghoon chuckled.

"Shut up" Jungwon rolled his eyes as he filled up the coffee machine.

"When's your break?" Sunghoon asked, passing the coffee beans over.

Turning his head back to Heeseung and his friend jungwons eyes pierced as he watched his happy smile.

Unseen mercy (Heejay/heejaywon)Where stories live. Discover now