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What is the beginning?
What is the beginning of our story?
Did our story end happily? Did it even end at all? Maybe if my love was strong enough we would've been together forever. That's what you promised me back then, right?

When I first saw you, I observed you intensely.
Even though I do it with every person I meet,
I gazed into you...Differently.

You are someone who I have never met before.
A man who had nothing to fear, nothing to hide expect from the burning desire which you could only show me.

And I had everything to fear, everything to hide expect from my love for you which I thought meant to stay buried under the ground forever.

Your kisses, your touch...Everything you gave me always felt like sweet poison which I was willing to drink.
You used to call me your precious golden ring
as if you were the lord of the rings.

But who do you think I am?
Have you gained what you wanted?
Have you ever thought of running away from your problems that you didn't mean to create? Have you expressed your deepest desires which you tired to keep hidden?
At first I didn't want to admit it, but now I must say, that I have.

I'll never tell you the truth
but I do trust you, even with that ambiguous expression on your face after each night when you get to see my shameful self.

I started to realize that I was constantly searching for you, Chunta.

The magnificent and The fool  (Junta x Takato)Where stories live. Discover now