Radio Signals

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Ren: "Whip out that radio, Alex!"

Alex: "Um..okay."

(She tuned the radio until some shaft of light brightened and somehow the air kind of..vibrated)

Jonas: "What..what is..?"

Nona: "Creeepy."

Ren: "Right? There's another spot over here."

Alex: "You know what, Ren? Let's not do this. I've got a..I've got a bad feeling about this."

Clarissa: "Right but you've got a good feeling about marrying me?" (Scoffs)

Alex: "..I're the one who brought it back up.."

(Alex looked at Clarissa a little too long when suddenly a bright light appeared at the entrance to the cave)

Jonas: "Whoa! There's like a..pool or...something here."

Nona: "Guys I don't like this..we should probably.."

Alex: "Head back to the beach? Yeah that's probably a good idea..Ren what are you doing?!"

(Ren scarfed down a brownie)

Ren: "What? It's a brownie."

Nona: "Why do you even..can I have one?"

Ren: "What? No. I mean..these aren't..they're not regular brownies. They've got.."

Alex: "Oh my God, Ren seriously?"

Ren: "Come on guys. I needed it."

Jonas: "Oh good lord..wait Clarissa where are you going?"

(Clarissa entered the cave without saying a word)

Alex: "Clarissa! Come back!"

Jonas: "Fortune favors the bold I guess."

Nona: "Cla..someone..someone should go in after her. I would but..I'm a little freaked out right now to be honest."

Ren: "Well I can't go anywhere since...I think I mismeasured the magic."

Alex: "I'll go."

Jonas: "You sure, Alex? What if I came with you?"

Alex: "No Jonas, you stay and keep an eye on these two. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Alex and Clarissa: Oxenfree Where stories live. Discover now