Chapter 2

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    The smell of bacon and coffee drifted through the room. I sat up and stretched and blinked from the sun that was coming in through the big windows. Yeah really need to put something over that so I wouldn’t keep waking up so damn early. Its only seven in the morning and granddaddy expects me to be up and ready to go. Yeah right, I am used to sleeping till noon and staying up all night. We have been here for a week now and all we have done is unpack clothes and stuff that we had brought from our house in New York. We didn’t have too much cause we sold just about everything. And every time mom would sell something I would get so mad and of course me and mom would argue but as always she ignored me and did what she wanted to.

    It seems like me and my mom always disagreed on everything we did. Especially this past year since my dad has passed away. I guess you can say I rebelled against her. I went out with my friends most nights and stayed gone until early in the mornings. When I was home I was locked in my bedroom away from my mom who did nothing but mope around or was out shopping to try to buy her own happiness. Which that of course did not work. No matter what she bought nothing made her happy. I know it was because dad was gone but I just wished she would pull herself together and move on. I know is hard especially for me, I was his little girl. I just knew he wouldn’t want me to cry over him so instead I acted out and partied all the time. It was my way of dealing with the pain of losing him.

    I swung my legs over the bed and hopped down. If I was going to have to wake up this damn early I was going to need several cups of coffee. I grabbed my fuzzy pink robe and started towards the kitchen downstairs. As I entered I heard Granddaddy and Mom talking about some horse show that was being held in a few weeks. “Well look who it is, finally decided to get up and embrace the day.” Granddaddy said once he saw me. “Yeah well how do you expect anyone to sleep late when the sun is shining directly in my face in the morning?” I answered him. He just snickered and kept on flipping the pancakes in the skillet. I looked over at mom and she gave me a big smile. “Honey do you want to go horse back riding today. I know you haven’t done it in a while but it would be fun.” I looked at her with a blank stare “that’s defiantly a no. I am not doing anything that has to deal with a horse. You can forget that.” Granddaddy turned around and just gave me a sad look and handed me a plate of pancakes and bacon. Mom just sat there looking at me like I was some sort of criminal or something. She finally looked down and replied “ok honey just whenever you want, you let me know. Maybe you could walk to town and do a little shopping  for some new summer clothes if you want.” I perked up a little at that and gave her a small smile.

    After breakfast and about 4 cups of coffee I decided to take a shower and get dressed. I opted for black skinny jeans, long black tank top with sparkles everywhere and black flats. Yeah I know typical New Yorker. All black clothing using means you are from the big city. Its not like I wear black all the time just have a lot of black in my wardrobe. Shopping for new summer clothes is actually a great idea. And plus shopping always puts me in a better mood.

    Heading out the front door I started walking down the dirt road toward the town. I still remember walking down the same path with Nana all those summers ago. We would go to town every day to the farmers marker. Nana had a booth there where she would sell fresh eggs, vegetables from her garden, and apples from her apple trees. She loved the flea market and I loved to help her. It brought a smile to my face thinking about the old times I had with Nana. We were super close when I younger. I use to come every summer since I was a baby. Me and my momma would spend most of the summer with them. I used to love coming here and riding horses and getting to live the country life. I stopped coming during the summers when I was twelve cause Nana passed away and I couldn’t bare to spend time here without her. So when mom would go to Texas I would just stay in the city with dad. She always begged and begged but I was through with the country summers if there was no Nana or at least I thought. Now I have to freaken live here until I graduate. And once I do graduate my ass is going right back to the city.

    I entered the town, which was only about a twenty minute walk from Granddaddy’s house. It looked just the same as it used to. On the right was Dan’s Diner, a book store, a couple of clothing stores and on the left was the city hall, a few more different stores that looked new, and then at the end of the square was all the booths for the farmers market. I saw momma at a booth that said Nana’s Fresh Eggs and Vegetables on it. I guess Granddaddy still kept Nana’s booth. I was actually really happy about that. I walked over to the booth  and waved at mom. “Hey honey I see you decided to get out today and come to town. I told Granddaddy I would take care of the booth and he could stay on the farm. I know he hates sitting up here all morning when he could be working on the farm so I decided to take care of it. Do you want to help?” “ I don’t know mom I really just want to get some new clothes and stuff. I’ll come back later on and see you.” I replied. “Ok baby I will see you later.”

I left the booth and went over to one of the clothing shops. It was a cute little shop that was painted a baby blue and had clothes displayed in the window. I opened the door and was glad I chose this store I had a feeling I would be getting a lot of new stuff from here.

After buying practically the whole store I went to the little bookstore beside the diner. You might think that since I was a party girl I didn’t like to read but I was actually a bookworm. I love to read and could get lost in a book for hours. I admit that I haven’t read much since dad passed and had become wild and crazy party girl. I looked through some of the books on the shelves and decided to get a couple of books to past the time  while I was here. There wasn’t much to do in this little town so I guess I could just lose myself in a book.

    After leaving the  bookstore I went back toward the farmers market to see if mom was done. She was packing everything when I walked up. “It’s lunch time if you want to grab something to eat at the diner. Granddaddy said he was meeting his friends up  there, mom said when she saw me. “Yeah actually I am starving. All that shopping has made me hungry.” Mom giggled and looped her arm with mine and we started walking down to the diner. We entered the diner and saw Granddaddy sitting at a long table that was full of older men in cowboy hats and boots. Yupp he still ate lunch with his friends just like he used to. Granddaddy stood when he saw us and told us to have a seat. “Yall go ahead and order whatever yall want. Me and the boys already ate.”

An older lady with a apron on came by the table and handed us our menus. I already knew what I wanted.

Both me and mom ordered cheeseburgers and fries. They make a mean cheeseburger. As we waited for our food I noticed a group of guys in the back. There was four of them and they kept looking over to where I was and talking to one another. I hate when people do that. Like really it’s like they don’t know I can see them. I could only tell what three of them looked like. One had dark hair that was long on his forehead right above his brown eyes, he was tan and looked the youngest out of the guys.  The one sitting by him had messy brown short hair, blue eyes and was lean. The one sitting in the chair in front of the booth had long brown hair that was passed his chin and had grey eyes and he looked muscular. The guy who I could not see his face  had on a straw cowboy hat and from behind he looked like a well built guy. They all looked to be in their twenties. I had to look away cause their stares were really getting on my nerves.  I could already tell they were probably the pretty boys who were popular with the ladies and most likely jerks.

The lady came back with our food and me and mom started eating all the while listening to granddaddy and his friends talk about their farms and businesses.

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