FWM Interviews-Elliot

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Shonethelite: Hey all! I am here with a very special guest. State your name kind sir.

Elliot: They don't know?

Shonethelite: No self absobed but lovable boy. Tell the kind readers who you are.

Elliot: Okay. My name is Elliot Ritchers. Hey everyone. It's pretty cool to be here.

Shonethelite: You can't see everyone but he's giving me an amazing smile. As you know you are quite attractive (wiggles eyebrows)

Elliot: Uh thanks. Haha, I can't exactly disagree with you.

Shonethelite: We'll start off with some basic questions and then we'll move on to questions from the fans. Sound good?

Elliot: Sounds perfect.

Shonethelite: Okay. Favorite animal?

Elliot: Oh man. I know I'm definitely of a dog guy. But I have a soft spot for hamsters.

Shonethelite: Excuse me... did you say Hamsters?

Elliot: Yeah? Too manly of me? (smirks)

Shonethelite: (laugh) Yessir that is truly too manly for me to handle. But I don't really mind hamsters are pretty darn precious. Happiest moment?

Elliot: Probably when it was just Vi and me in the back yard of the lakehouse. I grabbed one of those hand wooven blankets and we started picking out stars and naming them silly names and pretending they were our children. That's got to be pretty weird I'm sorry (nervous laugh)

Shonethelite: A little but its still super cute! You guys are lucky.

Elliot. I know. I'm surprised our parents allowed us to go.

Shonethelite: I think they thought you two deserved some alone time.

Elliot: It was awesome. And definitely most needed. We had a lot of special time together. (winks)

Shonethelite: (gags) Moving on! Most memorable moment?

Elliot: Honestly? Probably when my mother slapped my father across the face.

Shonethelite: Whoa! Explain!

Elliot: Haha, it was nothing serious. Just your good ole fashion you-almost-ruined-your-sons-life-and-i-hope-you-rot-in-hell kind of discussion.

Shonethelite: Naturally. Favorite song at the moment?

Elliot: American Beauty/American Psycho by Fall Out Boy. I think my friends are starting to get really annoyed at me singing that song at the top of my lungs. But how can you not do that when listening to Fall Out Boy?

Shonethelite: Couldn't agree more my friend. Got any nicknames?

Elliot: Do I have to say?

Shonethelite: (Evil grin) Why yes you do.

Elliot: Mymomcallsmeellie

Shonethelite: She does what now? I don't think I caught that?

Elliot: My mom calls me Ellie okay? Can we move on?

Shonethelite: Sure thing Ellie (laughs until papers start flying) Okay, okay I'm done. Last question what are you two pet peeves?

Elliot: People who lie and psychotic girls who try to appear as pregnant just to ruin your friends life.

Shonethelite: Very true points. Let's get these questions from the fans shall we started shall we? The last thing I need is your girlfriend coming after me.

Elliot: Very, very true.

Shonethelite: Speaking of Violet, Daylight78, OliviaTellis, Izziecheema asks what are guys up to and what happens next?

Elliot: Well actually we rode here together she's outside waiting for her me to finish here. As for what happens next I think we're going to the movies with the girls and their boyfriends.

Shonethelite: Oh right! Scar and Wren and Lena and Mason. You guys have a lot of friends.

Elliot: Kind of. Wren has been my friend for years and I introduced Scar to him. And I've known Scar for almost as long as I've known Vi. That goes for Lena too. And Mason has been in a couple classes with all of us. What were we talking about again?

Shonethelite: Violet! Purple! Your hearts one and only desire.

Elliot: (smiles) Of course.

Shonethelite: Even though I was being super dramatic I love how you don't even correct me.

Elliot: Well you aren't wrong.

Shonethelite: You guys are too cute. Next question! saralovetosing wants to know do you want to marry Violet?

Elliot: Wow Sara that is a straight to the point kind of question isn't it? Is Violet going to.. read this interview?

Shonethelite: Not if you don't want her too bruh.

Elliot: Then yes. Of course I do. I was actually speaking to her father about it and he's game. I just want to wait for college to be over you know? I'm actually super nervous.

Shonethelite: I for one think that is super adorable. And I love that you are choosing to wait. You could always propose and then just be engaged until the end of school.

Elliot: Sounds like a plan.

Shonethelite: Then it's settled. I'll just head outside and have a nice chat with Violet.

Elliot: Um about what?

Shonethelite: Girl things. Periods and boys etc. Thanks for the interview Elliot. Anything to say to your adoring fans?

Elliot: Thanks for sticking around I guess. Sorry this was probably a super boring interview. Also. You're cool.

Shonethelite: I'm sure you made someone faint. Now be gone to your woman! And see you next time!

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