Chapter 17: Happy

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January 7, 2018

I knew that I was sleeping too much. Regardless of the day, I usually got up early to go for a run to the gym, lift depending on which muscle group I was targeting, then jog back home. It was super convenient now that we lived down the street from a 24 hour fitness, but I had been sleeping for way too long.

I felt well rested, the only soreness came from my quads which were the target for yesterday morning, and they were exerted last night with Orchid. Everything was exerted last night with Orchid. I didn't mind that soreness at all, but I was sleeping too much.

I slowly opened my eyes, and found the bed empty. I reached out and Orchid's side was cold. Then, I turned to look at my phone which read 8:15. I had definitely slept in, and when I opened my alarms I noticed my 6:00 a.m. alarm was snoozed. When did I do that?

Just then, the cracked door was slowly pushed open, and Orchid came tip-toeing in holding a tray of--

"Crap! I was trying to surprise you." She pouted while looking at me. I grinned.

"Well, good morning to you too, darling." She sighed, then came over to the bed. She put breakfast down on the nightstand, then turned to face me with her arms crossed.

"I had this whole thing planned. I was gonna put a little syrup on my lips, then kiss you awake, and say 'Happy Birthday, sugar lips' and then you were gonna laugh, and try to have morning birthday sex with me, and I'd refuse you because look at this gorgeous breakfast I made you, I can't let it get cold. I even snoozed your workout alarm to try and keep you sleeping, and now look." She gestured towards me in exasperation, and I grinned harder.

Then I closed my eyes, and pretended to snore. I could almost hear her eyes rolling. A moment later, I felt her breath on my face, and she smelled sweet like maple syrup. She pressed her sticky lips against mine, and I pulled her and rolled so I could ravish her properly.

She tasted sweet, like syrup and Orchid, and she moaned into my mouth which allowed me to taste her tongue. She giggled against my mouth, and I pulled away just enough for her to have her moment.

"Happy birthday, sugar lips." She let out a peal of delicious laughter, and I couldn't help but join her.

"Happy Birthday to me." I agreed, then started to try and have my way with her.

Despite her well-rehearsed efforts, I heard no refusals whatsoever. I had my wicked way with her.


French toast and Orchid was my new favorite combination. We stayed in bed long after the quivers subsided, and ate french toast drenched in syrup and powdered sugar. She also made a cheeky remark about sausage which was also occupying the plate, and I was reminded once again how lucky I was that whatever was out there brought Orchid and I together.

After breakfast, Orchid got up and waltzed over to the bathroom. I heard my phone ping with a text message, and I checked the caller I.D. It was my mother. She wished me a happy birthday, told me that we were all having a family dinner tonight in my honor, and she sent an attachment of a ring. Orchid's ring, to be exact.

It was ready!

"I'm gonna shower real quick, Nikolai. Do you wanna join me?" She asked with a devilish grin on her face, and I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

"I wouldn't miss it, love. Give me a second, I'll be right there." I was a lucky SOB, I couldn't deny that.

"Okay, birthday boy. Don't take too long." She warned teasingly. I wouldn't dream of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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