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"Kira wake up ", mom has been shouting at me from the kitchen want to make me wake up from my dreamland. I woke up by heavy breathing. I never had dreams like that but now, what???? Who is he???? why he is in my dream???? again. Whatever I hope this will never repeat third or what if .... ugh never mind.

I am Kira, 14 yrs old and I like everything around me. I like to seek true things in the world of random stuff. I looked at the clock and started panicking cause it was half way down to the time my school starts. And now it's pandemic so I got ready with some safety measures. I can't wait to see my friends cause I miss them so much.

After I got ready I was drived to school by my father and he said " be a good girl princess and remember to be safe and wash your hands properly ok. " * I nodded* he gave me a kiss on my forehead and we both said our good bye and I gone into the campus.

My class was on the corner after section B. My eyes searched for Poovi. My sister. More than a friend. She was a kind and straight forward girl.

" hey kira don't forget to send me those record songs of yours" she said.
" sure but why?"
" it's because your voice is nice" what she....really?
"What I'm I a joke to u "
" fine sunflower I send it to u"

After talking to her I got into my room and spotted my bestie next to my seat.

"Hey shinchan how do you do??"
K " hey morning kira."
" hey, had your breakfast??"
K "yeah "
"Umm how was the song I sended to you day before. Is it nice???"
K" it's awesome you know what ,you should send me more "
"Fine then"

K is very sweet sometimes and we both were avengers fans. Mainly our day gets pass by talking about avengers also our favourite actor is RDJ. Come on who doesn't love RDJ. He is the main man of the avengers.

"So ummm " you started to find words but you closed your mouth not knowing what to say
" say to me it happened again is it???". She knew it.
" well kira you know you can say to me if you want " she is right maybe I want someone to say.

Finally I decided to say but God help me that she won't take it as a joke.

" ok so it goes like this..." I started and glanced at K who had all her ears and eyes on me.
" umm well like before, The man wore same black dress, black cap or should it say he wore a black hoodie that covered his half face and a black mask for sure" I said in annoying because , uhhhh he always wear a mask to cover his face, believe me he always does.

"Hahaha do you even remember his face by any chance " , "nope, but wait I'll say what happens" you said
" wait what you mean happens????" She said in surprise.
" actually I got some blurred picture before of him and me but now I got really a dream , like I can really see him now " , i said and k is waiting for you go say.

" umm so, 👉👈 I saw him near a bench sitting on it while his head hung low. I watch myself and I wore boys type of wear like it was red button shirt and it was opened and inside I wore black t-shirt and ripped jeans.."

"🧐 looks like you wear the same style in dream huh??", omg she interrupted " don't talk when I was in flow "

"Ooops sorry ", " it's ok then, where I left ".
" your dress ", oh
" k then, I don't know what I thought but I started to walk in his direction and sat near him. I just got confused by my actions but though I wanted to see the rest so I go in the flow. .... I tried to see his face but nope I can't cause his face was already cover with mask and rest of his, that is his eyes were covered by his bangs."

I said to her not missing every detail also the dream is like replaying in my own brain.

" ok ummm so after siting near him he saw me and started to panic so i calm him down. he looked so sad so i asked him what happend and to let his sadness and emotions on me. he said that even his life is perfect outside it is so dark and emontionless inside. he said that his life is missing a part and even he wanted to search it he can't. he said that he loves everyone but most of them are not letting him to live his life even thou they knows it that it will hurt him. so to make him understand I side hugged him and said that even my life is only a song so i started to understand it and writing lyrics on my own, you should too try it."

" wow, you are really good in understanding and giving advice . so what happend next." K asked

" do you know sirikkadhey(song in remo)song?"
" yeah"
" well i played that song to him becuase he may like the beat cause it so pure and nice so that it will make him relax, and yeah he seemed he enjoyed it . he seemed like to be ok but then he ask me am i an indian and i said yes but the next thing is he asked me what is the meaning of the song which made be to kill myself for playing that song to him. " (if you wanna know what that song is you can hear it also you can see the move remo which is a romantic move i just give summary in this story)

" omg that will be embarrassing for you hahaha"
" i know , so I started to explain that a boy wanted to become a great actor end up being a character in drama but he doesnt like girls but one day he fall in love with a girl at first sight. days passed he also got a chance in a movie and he was about to propose that girl but it turns out the girl got engaged with her fiancee. his heart broken apart and his thought were all on becoming a actor. director wanted him to act like an women in the movie so he dressed like a women even his own mother didnt recognize him and his friend fall in love with him even thou he know he is his friend. after all the makeup and trouble with his friend he got into a bus and sat in a window seat. but soon after a fat man got near him thinking that he is a girl and started to tease him but soon a girl came and slaped him and got him out of the house. to his surprise it is the girl he fallen in love in the first sight.

the girl and him became friends and they meet each other , she even took him to her hospital not knowing he is actually a boy. so he got an idea that she is just an enggaged girl not married so what if he make her mind changed . he also came infront of her in her birthday propsed her. on one side he is convincing her as Remo which is his name when he is transformed into a woman and on the other side he convinced her as himself. soo after she realised that she needed love not some arranged marriage so she got out of her house and all her relations turned there back including her parents but since they love her , they had no choice but to accept it. but not so soon , she realised that actually remo is a same boy who is making her fall in love with her. at last he didnt give up he even got into a grandpa character to follow her again. but she found it too and realised the silent treatment is too far and then she proposed him and they lived happyly even after."

" ok for that what he said ??" my bestie asked me .
" he looked at me so awkwardly so i said that i only choose the song to make him fell better and i didn't have any intensions on him to make it here . but at last he said something to me that i didnt hear it well because of my mother who kept on scolding me for being late for school."
" oh shoot you know what you shold know it soon. olders say that if you are meant to be togther and there will be some way that you both will meet togther. and this one is not like last one right it is big "

" i know." actually last time i saw him with two person and i saw a girl with me. it seemed like a back of some stage or kinda a room i dont know . but all i remember is that he asked me about something and i dont know what i said he started to spin me around . i got up before some other things happend. oh god I promise it is the first dream i ever had which has a mysteriou man on it. god only knows how i wanted to meet the man.

who knows , is he my solmate. he seems like he is definitely not an indian so who he is ??? and will i able to meet him in future?

A MYSTERIOUS DREAM OF A MYSTERIOUS MANWhere stories live. Discover now