You came.

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You came to the front door of the supermegaplex, knocking on it.

Ryan answers 'سلام!' which is Farsi for Hello!

Ryan and you have been friends since his college days as a wannabe frat boy and you were a prostitute he simped for.

''Hey Ryan!'' you give him a big hug, but you're 5'11 while he is a manlet, so your he drowns in your breasts, then he starts motorboating, you smack his manlet.

You see Matt Watson and slo-mo run to him like a sexy lifeguard on a beach, you jump on him and he catches you, you two start making out infront of poor Ryan.

Whenever you and Matt see eachother, you always borderline sex, you guys aren't even attracted to eachother or dating, you just like making fun of Ryan and making him feel uncomfortable.

"hey guys! I'm still here"Ryan awkwardly chuckles while standing at the same place with the front door open, you two ignore him and Matt starts unbuckling his pants and bringing you to the lounge.

While Matt fingerblasts you with the triple three duet finger trio, you hear Ryan sobbing and screaming, slamming his body on the ground in protest for you two to stop. As Ryan goes to look for Jackson to mommy him, you start sucking Matt's small 3-inch cock and jerk him off with your two fingers.

Jackson comes into the lounge "now, now, Ryan wants a turn on the y/nstation, matt.'' ''no fuck you.'' Matt says.

Jackson physically splits you two, then you start sucking Jackson off, Ryan starts to full on snot cry at him being cucked twice.

Two hours later, you're done doing a train infront of Ryan. This train consisted of all of his loved one, friends and even his own family flew over who he hasn't seen for years! including Cecile! and Ann Watson! 

At night you finally talk to Ryan.

"So y'n, this is where you're sleeping tonight'' Ryan points to the backyard

"I'm just joshing ya'' He points to the recording room for mail opening, you're sleeping there, with all the mails as your mattress, pillow and blanket!

''Thanks Ryan, Sorry about before, it was just a prank.''


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