07. S2E8

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"Are you a fool? Obviously I agreed to the contract because I wanted to show off my success to Cheon Seo Jin because I– I still love her." He seemed hesitant when he said the word. "That's the bastard I am! We used each other to take revenge on them and look where that got us. It's time to stop the act and end our contract." The woman on the couch was ambivalent as she listened patiently to the man sitting beside the couch. Hiding his anxious face away from her. She inhaled a long breath, pulling herself together from doing anything stupid. She knew the man was holding his tears back terribly at the side of the couch but he said what he said. And it hurt her feelings so much. A man who she gave a second chance of love, completely make a fool out of himself by turning his back on her.

She looked at the frame decorated nicely on the table and reached for it. She recalled the memories in the mind.

"Let's take a picture of you and your beautiful mom together Ro na-yah." Ha Yoon Chul bent his knees a bit in a position to take a photo of his new family.

"You should take a picture with us too, ahjussi." Ro Na smiled at her 'step-father'.

Yoon chul was shaken a bit hearing her request before joining in after he got a nod meant 'it's fine' from his beloved wife.

Yoon chul asked one of the guests to take their photos together. He then walked to Ro Na side. Ro na pulled him closer to her by wrapping her arm around Yoon-chul's waist. Yoon-chul have always been a romantic and soft person. His little heart was at ease when he realised that his existence is accepted for once as a family. He lowered his gaze down to look at the young girl.

*snap!  A photo of them was taken.

Oh Yoon hee walked to the cameraman and bowed a thank to him. She took a peek at the gallery inside the camera to check their photo. She softly giggled at the sight of the blushing Yoon-chul in the camera looking down at her daughter. "You look so cute here." She handed the camera to her husband and her daughter. Yoon-chul blushed for a second time and let out a nervous laugh.

"What are you doing ahjussi?" Ro-na poked Yoon-chul's arm playfully. "I was startled okay." He looked at his wife and formed a sweet smile on his face before turning his eyes back to the young girl. "Ro-na yah. You'll do great at this competition! You're your mom's daughter after all." Yoon-chul patted Ro-na shoulders slightly. Oh Yoon Hee cheeks went red to the sudden praise. Ro-na started to tease her with her husband romantic statement. Yoon-hee then hugged and kissed her daughter repeatedly to annoy her back. She whispered something to her ear. "I love you my daughter." Ro-na tightened her arms around her mother's waist and told her that she loves her back. "I love you too my beautiful eomma."

"Our Ro-na liked you very much. She expected so much from you as her father figure. She had never received love from a person called a father before. You changed that for her." Yoon-hee told him with a broken voice. She handed the frame of their photo together at the Cheong-A centre to Yoon-chul.

Yoon-chul brought his hand to the side, reaching for the glass frame and stared at his own pathetic reflection. He broke into tears for a few seconds before standing up and placed the frame carefully on the table.  "I'll go out from your house until you sign the contract." He used all different nouns since he started to turn his back on Yoon-hee that day at the grave. He used to call everything regarding Yoon-hee and Ro-na as 'us' and 'our'.

He wiped out the tears off of his face with his right hand. When he began to walk pass his wife. A hand reached for his left one.

Yoon-hee grabbed onto his fingertips loosely with a thin hope that Yoon-chul would go back on his words.

A tear drop on the table. Yoon-chul tried to hide his sobs. He focused his direction at the slim fingers holding his. The warm fingers that were intertwined with his palm are now replaced with a cold air suffocating the dark living room.

He let go of her hand hesitantly and fall into silence tears at the door.

'I would never let go of you even if you run away from me.'

Oh Yoon-hee recalled the lie that came out from the man she loves. She broke down from the second betrayal of her first love. She placed her hands on her face. Wiping the tears falling on her cheeks repeatedly. She felt anger and emptiness surrounding her. She couldn't believe that her decision to come back to Korea for Su-Ryeon's revenge was the worst decision ever. Where she lost her one and only daughter and her man.

Ha Yoon Chul doesn't even deserve the title to be her man. But reality hits everyone differently.

Oh Yoon Hee tried to distract herself and opened the spy app that is linked to Su-Ryeon's phone. It showed a location away from the city on her screen. She thought that it was weird and contacted Logan straightaway to bring her to the location.

Logan came to pick her up and they headed to the place in silence. Logan sensed something was off with the woman beside him. He asked him two times, but received the same answer. 'It's nothing.' He knew something must have happened between her and her husbandwhen he saw Yoon-chul was driving away from the Hera Palace like someone who doesn't have a license.

When they had arrived near the location. Logan spotted it straightaway, it was the place where Joo Dan Tae brought him when he was still in his disguise. (S1)

"This is a shooting place, Yoon-hee ssi. I bet she's not alone in this place." Logan felt chills in his spine.

"That's why I asked you to come with me. Oh Yoon Hee reached for her laptop and opened the spy app. "Let's listen closely to whatever is happening inside." She handed the left earphone to Logan.

They were spooked by the cheerful conversation that is turning into a harshful argument as they listened.

"Why are you pointing the gun at me Joo Dan Tae?"

Yoon hee and Logan looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

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