🍬chαptєr 7🍬

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It's been three days. Three days since the steamy kiss, and three days where he's become crazed for your delectable lips. 

They got an A on the baking assignment of course, I mean Kyungsoo was baking it why wouldn't we. But after the kiss, the oven beeped and they all went to decorate the cupcakes. Things were a bit awkward between Y/n and Baekhyun but it was quickly brushed off after a day.

That doesn't mean he was fine though.

Oh no, he was in fact the opposite of fine. He was going to be on the verge of insanity if he didn't kiss you today. And it was believable.

His friends had to experience it actually. The first day he was fine, just a bit jittery and he flushed a few times while thinking of you. But sometime during the second day is when they saw something they didn't want to see. He went through all types of candies in one sitting, throwing each away after one taste. He almost threw out his entire stash if it wasn't for Suho stopping him.

But day three takes the cake, no pun intended.

He almost ended up kissing a random girl on the street. Xiumin literally had to tackle him to the ground to stop him. And today was that day. The friends of Baekhyun knew if you didn't agree to kiss him once in a while, this boy would cause ruckus in the entire school.

"Baekhyun you still need to eat!" Lay said worriedly. 

He was currently sitting on a beanbag in the hangout room. It was Saturday and he felt even worse not being able to see your beautiful face today. Only him, Lay, and Suho were there. The male had prominent bags under his eyes as he turned his head away refusing the chocolate Lay offered.

"I want her." He barked, ruffling his already messy hair.

"I need you to calm down Baekhyun-"

"You wouldn't understand how I'm feeling Hyung!" He shouted, his face still adoring his dark red blush.

"You're right I wouldn't, but that doesn't give you the excuse to act like this." Suho stated firmly with his arms crossed.


"I know Baekhyun. I'll find a way to make her agree today. I'm worried for you." He sighed, rubbing his eyebrows.

"She wouldn't though.."

"I'll find a way." Determination filled his voice.

"How would you even do that! 'Baekhyun can't last a day without kissing you, can you help him?!'" His head fell down in defeat.

Suho ignored him and put his hand out.

"What's her address, I'll go talk to her." He tapped his foot impatiently.

"Hyung!" He whined, tears pricking the sides of his eyes.

"Baekhyun please damnet!" Suho yelled.

"Suho. Let me go, you need to calm down." Lay said softly with a hand on his shoulder.

"No, I need to-"

"I'll do it. Baekhyun give me her address, I promise I'll convince her." He gave the flushed boy a warming smile. A smile that always cured the hearts of others.

"Please don't say anything weird. Please." He begged, handing him his phone.

"I won't Baek, you know me." He sent the address to his own phone and started to walk out the room.

"Tsk. I could've easily went." Suho muttered.

"I know you would've said something weird." 

"Whatever. Let's just see what happens."

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