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Ey thank you so much for the readers and for the votes

I'm sorry yesterday cause I accidentally log out this account and I forgot the password but luckily im kind of genius so i delete this wattpad and install it again boom!! im back again :)

Let's start my friends.........

Naruto POV:

Naruto is waiting for a bus (10minutes of waiting) naruto ride the bus and seat as he wait to arrived to his home

(Time skip)

Naruto got home and took off his clothes and went to the bathroom and clean his self after naruto clean he go to the kitchen and cook some ramen

Naruto got home and took off his clothes and went to the bathroom and clean his self after naruto clean he go to the kitchen and cook some ramen

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(That's the ramen he cook)

After naruto cook he went to the table and eat he's ramen. After naruto eat he went to hes room and jump on the bed "hmm its so warm it feels really warm in my bed" naruto said with a calm tone "yeah I forgot tomorrow ill go to work and I will see my butt duck boss" naruto said and start to be irritated "why I'm thinking about this?give me a sleep Lord I'm tired of thinking" naruto said as he fall asleep

(Sasuke POV:)

Sasuke is in hes office thinking pervert things about naruto until someone interrupted hes daydreaming "Oi nii-san what are you doing here and knock before going in" sasuke said with a bit angry tone "弟(ototo) I knock 10 times but i only just see you looking at the wall and daydreaming"itachi said with a laughing tone " why are you here?"sasuke said "look at the clock first" itachi said "shit!!its 11:30pm mother will going to kill me if she sees that im not home!!"sasuke said shock voice as he ran out of his office until his nii-san pull him " what!! I need to go home Already!?!"sasuke said with an angry tone "弟(ototo)don't worry i already said to mother that your busy" itachi said with a smirked "why are you smirking at me?"sasuke said "cause I think you are interested to that blond boy" itachi said with a big smirked "you don't care" sasuke said turning away to itachi "but 弟(ototo) you know he's a guy" itachi said with a worried voice "I know I'll handle my own problems" sasuke said as he walk away "弟(ototo) i wish father will accept this" itachi said with a sigh "let's go nii-san"sasuke said as they walk out of the building

(Time skip)

Sasuke and itachi got home "Where home mother father"itachi said "where home" sasuke said "oh you two are here what time is it huh"mikoto said with angry and worried tone " mikoto don't treat them like a baby they are adults now so don't keep worrying"fugaku said with a irritated voice "I'm a mother fugaku you don't care if I keep worrying for my babies" mikoto said with an angry tone "mother father don't fight" itachi said middling the fight "what a waste of time bruhh" sasuke said in he's mind "father mother nii-san im not hungry I'll just going to sleep already" sasuke said as he went upstairs "sasuke eat first!!come down!!" Mikoto said out loud sa fugaku sigh and went upstairs "mother sasuke can handle his self"itachi said smiling at he's mother "hmm okay" mikoto said replying with a smile

(Sasuke POV:)

Sasuke went to he's room and take off his uniform and where a T-shirt and pants and lay down and fell asleep without thinking anything

(Sasuke's dream)

(Contains yaoi)
Ahhhh~naruto said as sasuke bit naruto's nipple and naruto started to moan and that makes sasuke happy "your to cute my naru"sasuke said as he take off naruto pants "be gentle"naruto said "I think i won't mercy you" sasuke said with a smirked "wha~ ahhhh~ sas~uke"naruto said as he moan and sasuke thrust deeper "sasuke stop to deep I don't want anymore" naruto said as he began to teer "its okay it will hurt for a second" sasuke said as he thrust even deeper as naruto sucks sasuke's dick even deeper "Ahhhhh~"

Sasuke wake up to reality "ha~ha~ha~ what was that" sasuke said with sweatdrop and someone knocks in the door "come in" sasuke said "sasu-KE!! what happen" mikoto said "why are you sweating like that your like a wet cat!!"mikoto said as he ran towards sasuke "mother I'm okay" sasuke said "are you sure?Do you have a bad dream huh?" Mikoto said "no mother its not a bad dream" sasuke said and began to smirked "o-okay" mikoto said politely "I'm going...... breakfast is ready okay clean your self first before going down" mikoto said and walk away "what was that dream me and naruto we are doing it" sasuke said holding he's neck "urgh I'm being horny I want to do it with him!!o///////////o naruto a want you I want to taste you and crushed you in to pisses until you can't able to walk" sasuke said with a blush and smirked as he walk to the bathroom to take a shower..................

That's it guys ily all

Don't forget to click vote ty!!💙💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙

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