let's sort the whole thing out

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Oikawa Tooru is not blind. In fact, the second thing he thought after unexpectedly meeting Hinata Shoyou in Brazil after "What the hell is he doing here? " was "Fuck, Chibi-chan became so damn hot since the last time I saw him."

If Oikawa can see that, so can others. It's not surprising that when Oikawa invited Hinata out for a drink, numerous people - men and women alike - approached him to try flirting with him. Note, tried. Neither Hinata nor Oikawa has been in Brazil long enough to understand the language fluently. Still, Oikawa understood what they were trying to do from the people's body language and his own experience. On the other hand, Hinata, confused about why so many people were approaching him, thought the locals were just trying to be friendly.

"Uh, no. They're obviously flirting with you," says Oikawa, unable to bear the oblivious little orange-head any longer.

"E-eh? Really?"

"Oh? Are you perhaps liking this, Chibi-chan?" Oikawa can't help but tease when he saw the adorable flustered look on Hinata's face.

"W-well, I'm kinda flattered, but I'm also a bit uncomfortable. I don't really understand what they're saying yet, you know?"

Does that mean if he understands what they were saying, he would like this? Oikawa thought; a feeling of amusement, curiosity, and a little bit of something else he can't quite describe arising from his stomach.

"So, want me to help you out? To be honest, I don't like being flirted upon too when I'm out with a friend."


"Easy." Oikawa took out his phone to quickly look up something.

When another stranger approached Hinata, it was Oikawa who spoke to them.

"Desculpe, você pode deixar meu namorado em paz?" He flashed a quick but threatening smile, and the stranger left them alone.

"Amazing! How did you know what to say to them?"

"One quick google translate of 'Sorry, can you leave my boyfriend alone' often does the trick."

"EH? Are you sure, Oikawa-san? I mean, I like you so I don't mind, but how about you?"

He doesn't mind pretending to be his boyfriend, he says? Interesting. "You're bolder than I thought, Chibi-chan. I won't have come up with this idea if I hated it. Plus, I told you already that it's a problem for me, too, right?"

"... but no one has even come to flirt with you all night yet," Hinata mumbles under his breath.

"Hey! I heard that! You know, I'm a pretty boy, so someone surely will!"

From then on, whenever those two will meet up for drinks, it's become their 'arrangement' to be pretend-boyfriends in order to keep flirters at bay. It's become so natural for them that even if no one flirted with either of them, they would still hold hands and act lovey-dovey when they're together, occasionally flirting with each other themselves.

However, the act ends when the night ends as well. After a night of drinking, their hands would instantly let go of each other, go off their separate ways, and say goodbye like they were just good friends. Because that's all they were. And that's all there was to their arrangement.

One particular night, when they were once again out for drinks after a long day of playing beach volley, there was a particularly stubborn drunk man who wouldn't leave Hinata alone, no matter how much he turned him down.

"You expect me to believe that this is your boyfriend? I'm clearly better than him! Come on, ditch this guy and be with me instead!"

Hearing that, something in Oikawa snapped.

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