Chapter 30

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Maria's pov:

He order two shots of vodka.

First of all , the closest to alcohol I've ever gotten to is about three cans of beers .

"I have never tried this Louis, what if I get real crazy " I looked at the small glass of vodka in front of me then at him.

"You'll be fine. I'm here don't worry". He smirked.

. I quickly took the shoot and regretted , because it burned my throat. He drank his and then order something called Jameson on the rocks I had no idea what that was.

"Try this one " he gave me another glass filled with ' Jameson rocks'
"Are you trying to get me drunk " i furrowed my eyebrows. I took a sip, then another.


After a couple of hours. There were five empty glasses on my side, and six on Louis's.

Louis's pov:

She was completely wasted, and maybe I was too. A little tho.
Out of nowhere she would start laughing for no reason. That was weird,and funny.

"I had fun today Louis. Thank you" she laughed..

"I knew you were lying to me when I asked you earlier" I took a sip of the beer I had order.

"You want to know something" she giggled.

"Sure" I smiled.
"Promise that you won't laugh " she pulled Her pinky.

I moved her hand and intertwined our pinkies.

"Promise" I laughed at her.
"First of all God help me. I love your fucking hair, your smile. but I always wanted to touch your hair and just mess it up. It looks so soft" she hiccuped

I grabbed her hand and placed it on my head. She messed with hair, but It didn't matter.

"Louis." she looked at her empty glass then at me.

"Yeah love" I smirked.

"Ah don't do that. Don't smirk your making this harder." she looked down.

"Making what harder?" I placed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I like.. I don't feel good. Why do you have two heads?" she placed her hand on the table.
"I think I'm going to pass out" she was about to hit the floor when I caught her.
I arrived at the hotel and left her on my bed. After battling with myself whether I should change her clothes into a more comfortable one I decided to do it.

I didn't even had to think about it too much she puked her clothes when we were outside the hotel. I couldn't leave her there smelling that way.
So I did it.

I pulled out one of my white shirts out of my bag.

I slowly took her pants off, so I wouldn't wake her up.
When I was done I took her shirt off and replace it with my white shirt.
I covered her with the bed sheets.

When I was done I got inside the shower.
What did she mean when she said I was making it harder ? Making what harder.

I got out of the shower and changed into clean boxers. I Laid next to Maria. Hopefully she won't get mad. It is my bed after all, and I'm not planning on sleeping on the floor.

I placed my head on the pillow, seconds later I was knocked out.


OMFG I LOVE LOUIS THAT Twitter fight with naughty boy 😂😂 OMG all that sassiness i love it. Then Daisy don't even get me started sassiness runs through he whole Tomlinson family I love it.

I got my glasses 😎 too ....

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