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045 | you trust me right ?


━━ Before Renee and JJ left the hot tub. the hours that the warm water soaked into their now pruned skin they just spoke, JJ told her the truth about what was happening back at home. And Renee just listened, trying to comfort him and put him back at ease with her fingertips tracing his skin.

But now she smiled sadly , watching as JJ slept with his body curled on top of the sheets of John B's bed — he looked at peace finally, with his chest gently rising and falling with each inhale and exhale — his tears glistened where they had ran down his cheeks and created little puddles on the unders of his eyes.

She ran her hand over his head of damp hair and smiled to herself — he was so beautiful, how could anyone treat him as badly as his dad had managed to, to hurt him without remorse or any sense of guilt. Not only JJ, but his son — his own blood.

Renee couldn't make sense of it, but despite that she had to be there for him without questioning his fathers actions — unable to even begin thinking of falling asleep she got up, gently and as quiet as she could not wanting to wake him up.

Grabbing the same towel that she had left from her shower earlier that day, she exited into the main living room which seemed to be the centre of everything in the house — noticing Kiara and Pope too crashed out on the pull out sofa, a sheer blanket covering them both.

Stepping into the bathroom — Renee stepped towards the shower, gently pulling at the tap so the water release was built up and not sudden which she suspected would wake up JJ.

It didn't take her long for her clothes to fall to the floor — kicking them aside as she stepped into the stream of cold water and pulling the shower curtain across. Tilting her head back as she eased into the chill, beginning to wash the chlorine and whatever chemicals JJ had put in the hot tub out of her hair.

It wasn't long after the relaxation of the cold water soaked into her skin — she was broken out by the door opening, her first guest being that it was either Kiara or Pope needing to use the bathroom.

" you have a minute to do your business until this situation becomes weird!" she called out, although when she heard no voice in return she couldn't help but wonder if the sound were a figure of her imagination.

" Ren?" Renee peered outside of the shower curtain, noticing JJ rubbing his eyes as he familiarised with the light of the bathroom that was different to the pitch darkness of John B's bedroom.

" shit fuck!, did I wake you?" she asked genuinely concerned, JJ shook his head and stepped closer but yet noticing his girlfriends naked body — somehow still managing to smirk.

" I could get use to waking up to that view." his eyes lingered around the lack of clothing covering his girlfriends body — she rolled her eyes but couldn't help but feel slightly bashful as a dark red painted on her cheeks .

" you know?" he pondered " I think I could use a shower too." he murmured, beginning to tug his fingers at the hem of his shirt.

His eyes travelling back up to Renee as he stepped closer, " want some company?"

Renee didn't want to pressure him into anything, as it was extremely self explanatory what would happen if she was to accept his request.

" it's up to you, I'm going nowhere." she told him, leaning back to let the water fall back down on her — steering her eyes away although from the fast paced rustling it was clear JJ had made up his mind.

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