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   I've always had a good life. I had my two loving parents, I was popular, I was on the volleyball team, and I had an amazing boyfriend along with some amazing friends. It was all good until I met Kim Taehyung.. The Transfer student.

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    It was a normal Monday morning for school. I was getting dressed as usual, listening to my favorite song at the song at the time, If You do by Got7. Doing my makeup and singing as. As I finish up my makeup, I get dressed.

"Hmmm, should I be boring or extra. It's  Monday, ill dress nice, while everyone else is lazy from the weekend."

   After I finished getting ready, I called Sai, my boyfriend. Sai and I were the "perfect" couple, and I loved him so much. We've been together since 8th grade year, we're juniors now.. We are the "ideal" couple. Him being the best basketball player, with looks. He's 5'10, has black hair with an undercut. He dresses basic, jeans and a plain tshirt almost everyday. But his face makes up for all of that.

    He picks me up every morning before school starts, but this morning he's late.. Really late. School starts in 30 minutes, and there is no way I'll drive to school. Although I have my own car, I'm deadly afraid of driving. After a terrible accident that happened in the past...

   Finally, after the longest 15 minutes of my life, he's here.

Y/n: "Why did it take you so long?"

Sai: "I'm sorry, I forgot my duffel bag at home, I had to go back for it."

Y/n: "It's okay, I forgive you, we need to hurry nowww please."

   We drive to school in silence.

   I didn't mention before, but Sai and I have been having relationship problems lately.. It seems like he's been distancing himself from me, and it really hurts me, but we make it act like everything is okay at school. But deep down I know something is wrong and it hurts me..

   As we arrive to school, Sai opens my door as usual and helps me out of his car. He then wraps his arm around me and we walk into the cafeteria. We both split to two separate tables to be with our friends. He always wants me to sit with him with his friends, but whenever I do all they do is talk about boy things, basketball, girls, things about random body parts, and other dumb things I don't want to talk about. Whenever he sits with me and my friends, my friends get quiet. So, we sit separately.

    I met up with Amber, Hona, and Dalia.  We've been best friends since 2nd grade and basically grew up with each other. Dalia and her boyfriend were lovey dovey as usual. Cuddled up with each other. I never understood how they could be so affectionate during school and never get in trouble. However, I great everyone and we talked about random things. Hair, our weekend and other basic topics.

   The bell rings and I was off to English, ugh. Why do I have to read and annotate at 9:30 in the morning.

Blah, blah, blah, Shakespeare, blah, blah, blah.

   The bell rings again.

"Thank you bell, you quite literally saved me from dying of boredom."

   We have a 10 minute rest break between classes, so I meet up with Sai and the end of the hallway for him to come. But he never comes. I look at the time and I have 2 minutes to get to the next class and he's not here to walk me to class. Hmm, weird. I guess I'm on my own. I walk into algebra  2. Unlike English, algebra interests me. There's always a wrong or right answer and theres a specific way to solve things. It's interesting, keeps my brain working.

Y/n: "excuse me mr, may I use the restroom?"

Teacher: "yes y/n, you may."

   I just wanted to get out of class, wanted to see how Sai was in history which was right next to my class. I peep my head through the window and look for him, but he's not there. Where is he?.. I walk to the restrooms and waited for him to come out of the restroom but he never doesn.

   Then, after giving up, I walk back into my class. Not after a few more minutes I see him walk past the door, coming from the opposition direction of the restrooms. Should I be worried. I just forget about the though rushing through my head and continue doing my work.

   The bell rings once again, yayy. Lunch. I have 4 classes each day. Altogether I have 8 classes. So it's 2 classes in the morning and 2 classes in the afternoon. I meet with Sai out of the classroom and we walk to the cafeteria. This time, I don't see Amber, Hona, or Dalia. Everyone is gathered around the cafeteria. I look around and notice Sai changed into nicer clothes. Ouu, he looked good. I hadn't noticed before with the other thoughts rushing through my head. Then music starts playing and said tells me to turn around and face towards the wall. I do so.

   As I'm looking at the wall, I hear rustling behind me.

Sai: "turn around."

   I turn around, what is this. Once I turn I see Sai holding flowers and a poster.

"Will you come with me to homecoming?"

   I say yes, and take ahold of the flowers and hug him tightly. The bad gut feeling I had before had simply vanished and the crowd of students cheering him on. It was cute. I smiled and we sat together alone and talked..

    Once again, the bell rang, ruining the moment of happiness.

   Sai walked me to class this time, history and geography. Ugh. Who even needs to learn about a bunch of old people and their stories.

Teacher: "Today class we will be reading chapters 15-17. If we don't finish today you will take it home for homework and we will do a worksheet on Wednesday."

   As our teacher finished her sentence another teacher from the office comes in and asks our teacher to come outside of the classroom with her. She tells us to read and we do.

   As our teacher walks in, there was a boy with her.....

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Transfer Student ~ k.thWhere stories live. Discover now