Destiny: * still taped to chair* I have to go potty
Me: but we r not done with every episode of doctor who :( * un tapes destiny from the chair*
Destiny: * runs to the bathroom*
* a wild master appears in Emily's room *
Me: *fangirls* omg ITS THE MASTER!!!* tapes to the wall right next to the doctor*
Master: why r u taping me to the wall?
Me: u will see ... * evil smile*
Master: I am not scared of u
Me: u should be :)
Destiny: * comes back in the room *
* a wild psj appears out of nowhere*
Destiny: * tapes to the wall*
Psj: noo I don't want to taped to the wall
Destiny: *fangirls* omg it's PAUL SOARES JR.* faints from to much fangirling*
Me ... Wtf.