Chapter 2: A Confused Reflection

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      "What was that musical ripped straight from hell about?" I said out loud, as I began walking away from the freak-show that was.

"Who was this Itami guy though..? I wonder.. I'll ask about it later. I think I should still get Akira and Okawa food, though. Just to be polite. Now I remember!" I said, as my eyes lighten up.

"When I first met him and talked with him for 2 weeks, he told me about a good sushi restaurant nearby, but I'll have to pass the school to get there. Good thing the principal excused us from school, or I'd be screwed!" I said, as I enthusiastically skipped and hopped. 


"Take THAT!" A voice shouted from inside the school, as I stopped dead in my tracks. I waited outside before hearing the voice again grunt, as I walked inside the school.

I saw 2 girls next to one guy, who's beating up a kid on the floor. The kid on the floor is wearing an all black suit, with a black blazer and a black button up, with another black tie and black pants. He had white shoes and yellow thin-rimmed glasses, but was obviously beat up. he was about my age, and had a regular build.

The girls look over at me, as I clenches her bag.

"Heh, look at the class clown! She's not wearing her makeup though.." One of the girls says, as they all laugh. 

The guy walks inside, as well as one of the girls. One of them stays and stares at me. Suddenly, the kid on the floor speaks.

"Huff.. Heh. Do you know Akira Abiko?" 
"Akira?" I asked, as the girl looks back at the kid on the floor.

"For the last time, can you stop trying to look for that guy? Akira's not into you, you gay freak!" The girl says, as she steps on the guy's head.

I walked forward and slaps the girl in the face, as I grabbed pepper spray from her bag and threatened to spray down the girl in the face.

"You ugly whore! I'll get you and take my damn boyfriend back!" The girl says, as she storms back inside.

I walked up to the kid, who was bleeding from his head. I bent down to his level and checked his eyes, incredibly dilated.

"Are you ok? Can you hear me? What's your name?" I asked him, as he came to his senses and bowed down on his knees to me.

"I'm sorry!"
"You didn't do anything wrong! Are you okay?"

"Please don't worry about me! My name is Kanashi Kurushimi, and I do not deserve your kindness!" Kanashi said, as I bent down to his level.

"Hey.. you need to go to a doctor. Come with me, I'll get someone to treat you." I say, as she picks up Kanashi by the arm.

2 hours later..

"You don't have to do this for me. I don't deserve it." Kanashi said, as he rubbed his bandages. 

"It's fine, this one's on me! Now, how do you know Akira?" I ask Kanashi, as he looks at me, worried.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you.."
"I treated your wounds, you owe me this much. Plus, I'm your only connection to Akira as of right now." I said, as he looks away, biting his tongue. 

"I've been sent by Asu Rhed to protect Akira Abiko until Rhed wakes up from his hospital stay." 

"You? You're Akira's bodyguard? You're Rhed's last hope? He always was mysterious.." I said, as Kanashi grabbed a gauze from the shelf behind him and placed it on his ribcage.

"So when did he ask you to protect her?"

"Well, he called me 2 weeks ago, and said something about protecting his girlfriend, Akira Abiko, until he wakes up. Naturally, I agreed and set out to look for her, but you guys never go to school. So I ended up waiting for you all at school to no avail." Kanashi said.

"How did he know he was going to be hospitalized?"
"Beats me. But no matter what happens, I don't question what I'm told." Kanashi said, as we walk out of the doctor's office.

"What do you mean?"
"It doesn't matter. Hey, before we go to Akira, can we visit my old man? He's sick right now, and I have some medicine for his cough." Kanashi said, as he walks along the lake to a brown shack.

"Sure! What is he, your dad?"

Kanashi stared at me with such blank and empty eyes once I said that, but I couldn't tell if he was mad or surprised.

"You ok?"
"Don't call him my dad. He's not a scumbag piece of shit, he's my old man." Kanashi said, as his eyes gained the life back into them.

"AHEM. Sorry, lets get going!" He says, as he opens the door into the shack.

"Oh, Kanashi! Welcome back, I have some food laid out for you there that I left for you!"
"No, it's ok! You need to eat up or you won't stop being sick!" Kanashi says, as he feeds the old man some rice and his pills.

"But Kanashi, you don't look like you've eaten in-"
"SH! He's hungry, let him eat." Kanashi says, as his eyes widened.

"I'M SORRY FOR INTERRUPTING!" He says, as he bows down to me, and I chuckle.
"You don't need to do that everytime, it's alright." I say, as Kanashi picks up his head.

"Wow, Kanashi! I didn't know I raised such a player! Who's your girlfriend?"

"I'm sorry for him, he rarely gets visitors besides me." He says, as we begin walking back to the hospital. 
"It's fine, he seems like such a nice old man!" I say, as we're stopped by 4 men in suits.

"Remember us, Kanashi? You don't have anyone to tell you what you are this time!" The man says, as Kanashi looks at me.

"Tell me to fight them. Say 'You are a fighter' and run, ok?" He says, as I was confused.

"O-Ok? You are a fighter!" I said, as I began running for the hospital. I didn't turn around because I didn't want to see him get beat up, but I kept running.

Before I knew it, I made it back to the hospital and walked into Okawa's room. I saw Okawa standing up from his bed and dancing with a blonde-haired kid in a white patterned button-up.

"Oh, hey Yuki! I can stand now thanks to my new friend!" Okawa says, as he turns the blonde haired kid around.

Kanashi opens the door to the room, his fist dripping blood and his face and bandages completely clean. He didn't look injured, and almost looked proud. He had a bag of sushi from the restaurant Okawa loved to eat at, and threw it onto the table in front of us, barely touched. He looked over at Okawa and I, then words grazed his mouth. 

"Where's Akira?"

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