For you

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Mew was working on his laptop when Gulf stood up infront of him with a box...

" What?" Asked mew raising his eyebrows...

" Pancakes for you..." Said Gulf smiling while offering it to mew...

" I don't want it...go and keep it in the fridge" said mew focusing on the laptop...

" It's the best pancakes,you will like it" Gulf said in low voice looking down...

" Can you please go out" yelled mew glaring at Gulf...

Gulf sighed and walked out,he placed pancakes in fridge and began to play games on his laptop.

In these past week,it was really a good time for Gulf as he's not facing any kind of trouble or humility,life has been better for him and slowly he's getting better and forgetting the wounds he got In Those past years...

At night after having his dinner as mew told cake that he will eat later ,Gulf walked into his room and sat down on the  after laying the mattress on The ground, Gulf rested his head on the wall and was listening to song in the dark room...

Mew walked out and after having his dinner,he pulled out the box from fridge and sat down on the he thought Gulf was asleep... he finished those pancakes like a child...

Mew threw the box at the dustbin and was about to wipe his hands  with his clothes when Gulf intrupted him...

"We should always wash hands after eating,and we shouldn't wipe it in our clothes,its unhygienic" mumbled Gulf in low voice...

Mew looked at him with embarrassment and washed his hands in the sink and threw himself in the bed...

" Don't be my mumma,ok otherwise I will beat you with a stick" said mew teasingly...

Gulf remembered those days when Ben use to beat him and MEW's words triggered him...

"I m sorry please don't beat me" Gulf said and covered himself with blanket...

Mew got confused but shrugging those thoughts he falls asleep...


At midnight,mew was feeling Thirsty so he wake up to drink water when he heard Gulf's voice...

" No leave me, please don't hurt me, please don't..ahhh please leave me" Gulf was crying and shivering as he was having nightmares...

Mew immediately pulled out the blanket and pulled Gulf up...

" Gulf wake up! Wake up!" Mew said shrugging Gulf body...

" Leave me please don't beat me.. i-i-i am sorry" cried Gulf sobbing...

Mew immediately Hugged Gulf and patted his back...

" mumma, please take me with you...he-he always beat me, nobody loves me mom" cried Gulf with hiccups...

"Gulf I will not beat you wake up " said mew panicky and tried to wake Gulf up but Gulf just hugged him tightly...

" Gulf,it's ok...I will not harm you ,wake up" mew said rubbing Gulf's back...

After sometime Gulf held MEW's body tightly and calmed down...mew tried to pull himself out but Gulf didn't left him...

Mew sighed and laid down on the floor mattress and covered both of themselves...

" Damn! Its too cold here,how the hell can he sleep here" mew felt guilty and pulled another big blanket from his bed and covered both of themselves...

" Mum, I miss you..." Whispered Gulf burrying his face into MEW's neck...

Mew was feeling hot sensation all over his body as Gulf's body Normal temperature was so warm and his whole body was too much soft and Gulf was smelling too nice and that's why MEW's sanity was asking questions to him...

" Shut up! Mew you can't feel anything for this prick..he's not worth it..." Mew thought and hugged him more tightly...

Mew rubbed his hands on Gulf's nape suddenly Gulf hugged him more tightly and laid down on MEW's body...Does this boy eat air?why he's too much light and tiny...?

Shrugging those thoughts he closed his eyes and falls asleep while having his cute and tiny husband in his embrace...


Next morning, when Gulf opened his eyes,he rubbed his nose in his pillow but why does his pillow smell like vanilla and lavender, it feels calm and soft...

When he slowly opened his eyes and his eyes widened with shock when he saw mew face inches close to him...

He panicked and looked where he was ,got relieved when he got to know that he was on his own place...

Why is he here? What happened to him? Did he had nightmares...? Or he was scared to sleep alone at night...or he came here in his dream...?
If he's gonna scold me ,I will tell him its he who came here,not me...

By Keeping those thoughts aside Gulf tried to break free from MEW's arms but that broke the sweet sleep of other one...

Mew rubbed his eyes and immediately stood up from his place...

" You were crying like a kid last night,so I just consoled you " mew said and walked out immediately...

Gulf felt embarrassed and he immediately slapped his head...

" He will hate me...I m such a bother for everyone..damn! Cursed Gulf to himself...

End of this chapter 🖤🌻🖤

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