Chapter 1

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Third person's pov:

"Taehyung hyung, is it good?"

He hears shy, a little excited voice behind him.

He ruffles the hair of the kid he is currently leaning over with a smile and turns at his back to see the other kid. Jihoon, he recalls his name.

Jihoon's big shy eyes look down as Taehyung walks over to him. Sees the drawing the little boy was showing.

It's what looks like a best attempt to draw a fruit basket. A pair of bananas, strawberries which look more like apples, grapes and an orange on one side. The basket is basically just a rectangle but cute nonetheless.

Taehyung looks at the page then back at Jihoon.

"This is really good, young man. Good work"

He caresses the boy's head who looks up with a huge grin. Looks like he's ready to squeak in excitement. A soft blush coating his cheeks.

"Thank you, hyung"

Taehyung couldn't help a soft chuckle but turns around as he hears another call of his name.

Mr. Kim, Taehyung hyung, sir, TaeTae, Taehyungie. They call him all kinds of names. Taehyung never minds. He just likes his time spent with them.

He never necessarily planned to be a teacher. Much less a kindergarten arts teacher. But here he is.

It's a regular day for him. He woke up a little before his alarm today (was surprised himself). Brushed his teeth and showered. Made toast for himself and black tea.

Checked on Yoongi, then left a note for his best friend, who had crashed at his couch the last night, to make himself something before going to work.

Maybe, his day had been going better than usual days.

With a good, fresh mood he doesn't even complain if a kid has colored and apple purple or pink grapes or if all the fruits look like different sized potatoes rather than actual shape.

It's after his class, when he reaches his office with homework sheets collected in his hands. His door is slightly ajar, he hears the noise of the gunshots and then another voice cursing even before he enters the door.

He goes for his seat, ignoring the other presence. Places the sheets carefully on one corner, putting a weight on them so they don't flutter away.

"Oh, hyung. Finally. I've been waiting for," the boy sits up straighter, pauses, looks down on the table clock then back at Taehyung "thirty six minutes"

Taehyung sighs, leans back on the chair, flicking a pen in one hand.

"Why are you here, Yeonjun?"

Yeonjun grins, the gunshots still going on his mobile screen before he clicks the screen off. Light washed jeans and the sleeves of his hoodie pulled up. He looks like he finally did some effort before coming out of his room.

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