Hi I'm. Mhavis and this. Story. Is al about me and my struggles
So since I was a kid I used to be so happy and Cheerful person but bad days come too..
Me and mom left the. House and we liveed with my. Dad . And good days come to.. and I merged my. Best friend, two us do anything together. We fished and we play tag. And in the. Morning we eat together all those years was fun we even. Sell food to buy snacks and the day passed by..
It was night time. I heard. Mom and dad fighting. And silence and mom packed my bags. And her clothes and we. Went outside and mom said "let's play. A game.called don't look at daddy".so for as a kid I did.. I said goodbye to her my childhood friend was gone.we waited for the bus and mom got some food for me so eat while we go back to my grandmother.s house .and i stayed up all night looking at the window and I closed my. Eyes it was morning and I. Saw grandpa and we went home and It was safe now and I learned English. Since I was a kid and.. I learned to fight heh~thaank you. For reading my story 😊~