2. a year

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New year. 

A festival is held every new year in every pack. Moonstone Pack is holding a festival at pack's ground like always. Greeting the new year and byes to the past year with dance and songs. 

"Move your legs, left to left then right to right along with me." Jungkook did as told, looking down at Taehyung's feet to match his movement, "Hold my hand and pull away from me." Jungkook holds his hand and steps back. 

Jungkook doesn't know how to dance. He certainly refused when his mate asked to have a dance with him but Taehyung just pulled into the dancefloor with a naughty grin on his face. 

"This is going to be bad, Taehyung," Jungkook repeats his previous words, timidly giving his pack members a smile who bows at him. Taehyung just smiles, "Don't worry, just do as I say." 

His mate puts on a sulking expression. Taehyung giggles. "Don't you trust me?"

Trust? He is asking about trust. Jungkook trusts him, more than anyone and even himself. "I trust you." It immediately comes from him earning a gentle smile from the omega. "Then just keep your eyes on me and flow with the rhythm."

"If the rhythm is you, I can flow anywhere." Jungkook's sudden confession brings a shy smile to Taehyung's face. 

"Spin me once" Jungkook spins him then his hands are placed over Taehyung's waist, he looks down at his mate in confusion, "pull me close, so close that even air can't go through us."

Jungkook does while deeply staring into Taehyung's eyes, he is like under some spell. He can't blink away from his mate's face, his beating heart quickening when he feels his mate's hot breath against his chin. 

Taehyung's body presses against the dominant male's, the omega's heart getting startled loudly but the smile on his face stays still. He knows what he is doing.  

"And place your lips on mine." 

Without thinking, Jungkook leans forward to place his lips on Taehyung's but shortly pulls away upon realizing what he's doing. 

"Oh, God." A small gasp escapes Jungkook, eyes wide in utter shock. 

Taehyung's smile doesn't flutter off, instead just becomes a shy one as he settles his hands around his mate's neck. 

"You tricked me?" 

Giggles are all his questions brought, softly buzzing in his ear. 

"I can trick you again, kook-ah." Taehyung laughs, Jungkook smiles, tightening his grip around the omega's waist, slightly caressing his side. "This is the first ever trick I have loved so far. So I'm waiting for more." They've stopped dancing, just staying in a place in each other's arms.

Shyness takes over Taehyung, he shyly smiles and looks down. But a pointer finger lifts his chin, meeting the eyes which hold love for him. 

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are, my luna?" 

Taehyung's puppy eyes grow big, his lips pressed into a straight line as he nods, "every morning after waking up, every night before sleeping." He wants to hide his face in his mate's chest, it's blooming red. my? It's so heartwarming to hear. If he wasn't among pack members but alone, he would've squealed and jumped around while screaming. 

Jungkook laughs a little, "I forgot." The festival, the music, the pack members long forgotten. They are in their own land called love but yet to name in their perspective or just too shy to name it. 

"Jeez…. you are teasing me, kook." Taehyung lightly slaps his mate's chest, trying to resist the amused smile overcoming his features. Jungkook's nose scrunches a little bit, "I am not but even if I was, there shouldn't be a problem, right my luna?" The true blood has such a small playful smirk adorning his lips. 

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