🖤🚬~hanging out with pete~🚬🖤

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🦇🖤~Mikes P.O.V~🖤🦇
I yawned loudly as I smacked my bat alarm clock across my bedroom. I realized something, today was the day Pete agreed to actually hang out with me! I haven't spent time with him in such a long time, I suppose he's been busy. I quickly get ready, wearing my best Cape. I made sure I looked perfect for him. I rush out of the front door, quickly rushing to school. The quicker the day goes, the quicker I can spend time with Pete! As I walk through the snow, excitement filled my body.

⚰️🚬~Pete's P.O.V~🚬⚰️
I looked up at the ceiling. Oh for fuck sake, today was the day I agreed to spend time with Fagula. I pulled myself out of and lit my cigarette as i get changed into my normal outfit and fixed on my new little bat bolo tie which Fagula actually gave me. I grabbed my stuff and smacked my door behind me. I dragged my lifeless feeling corpse through the deep cold snow. "Pete!!" Mike ran up to me. My whole body went cold, I hate him. His stupid fucking face. "What, mike?" I growled at him. "I already have to deal with you later, fuck off" I snapped at him. He whimpered in response to me shouting at him. "Look, sorry mike, I'm just abit nervy" I sighed, holding my hand out for him. Not too sure why I offered such a thing but he quickly hugged me. I pushed him away but it didn't work. “i forgive you, my dear mortal love, per se!" Mike exclaimed. "Ugh get of me, Fagula!!!" I snarled at him, but he persisted to cuddle me. I pushed mike back, finally he loosened his grip. "Bye, Fagula, see you later, maybe." I Quickly rushed off, keeping my head down.

🦇🖤~Mikes P.O.V~🖤🦇
I sighed as I watched Pete walk off. His arms were so warm and Comfortable. I wish Pete would be back in my arms. I wondered over to my mortal servants. "Good morning, my dark master!!!" Vladimir exclaimed excitedly. the others instantly noticed me. They surprising cheered me up quite abit. Bloodrayne perched on the arm of my chair. I looked up at her and raised my eyebrow. "Sooooo vampir,, I really hope you have a good date with Pete later!" Bloodrayne mocked me, making my cheeks swell with red. "It not a date, my favourite vampire!!" I snapped with a slight laugh. "I bet you wish it was a date~!!!" Bloodrayne laughed loudly. "Well, I bet you could be on a date with henrietta, per se" I snickered as I spoke. Bloodrayne has the biggest crush on Henrietta, and she criticises me having a crush on Pete. Bloodrayne's cheeks turned the deepest red and walked off. "Have fun, bitch!" Bloodrayne called as she walked off. Eventually the day passed and the end of the day finally came around. I excited rushed to the back of the school where I was meeting Pete.

⚰️🚬~Pete's P.O.V~🚬⚰️
My day dragged on for so long. All I did was sit on my ass and spoke to Micheal and Henrietta. Not that I don't enjoy the time I spend with the Goths I just wanted the day to end. I got up as the end of the day alarm rang, lighting my cigarette I Stumble through the snow. "Where are you off too, Pete? Aren't you joining us today?" Micheal muttered to me. "Sorry Micheal, I have work this afternoon" I smiled slightly at him. "Oh.. okay. Have fun, my dear" Micheal sighed sadly. Walking off to catch up with Henrietta and Firkle. I couldn't tell the others I was hanging out with Mike, they'd kill me. Eventually I got to mike, his smile grew so big once his eye laid upon my own. "Pete! How was your day!?" Mike rushed up to me, he was so happy and excited. I couldn't match his happiness. "hi Fagula. My day was boring and slow. How about yourself?" I could feel my energy drain out of my body, Mike exhausted me.

🦇🖤~Mikes P.O.V~🖤🦇
Just talking to Pete made me so so happy but it was clear he wasn't feeling the same way towards me. I just wanted to cuddle him and make him happy. "my day was alright! Though being with you will be the highlight of my day!!" I exclaimed excited, trying to lighten his mood. "So... What would you like to do today?" Pete spoke so quietly, he sounded so sad.. "you can go to mine, if you'd like! I'm all home alone seeming my dad has been working," I doubt Pete would say yes, but it's worth the ask. "Sure, fine." Pete sighed. I walked off excited as Pete trailed slowly behind me. Once we got to mine Pete looked completely exhausted. "Are you okay, Pete?" I spoke softly, putting my arm around him as we walked to mine. "I'm alright, Fagula. Other than the fact that the goths are mad at me for not hanging out with them and I'm so sick of being around everyone" Pete muttered, he was so upset, it broke me. "Awww, Pete, my mortal love. I really hope I can cheer you up abit." I Pulled Pete in closer to me, though he kept his head facing the ground. "Thanks, Fagula..." Pete glanced up at me, smiling. My whole heart melt, he was so adorable. I just wanted to grab his cute squishy cheeks and kiss him. Eventually we got to my castle! Well.. more like a fancy house, but still! I unlocked the door and escorted Pete in.

⚰️🚬~Pete's P.O.V~🚬⚰️
Ugh mike's whole house was massive... His house was a big rickety black house. I suppose it suits him. Entering mike's house it was decorated with creepy fucking clown paintings from his creepy ass step dad. His whole house freaked me out.... Mike grabbed my arm before I could indulge myself into my thoughts. "Shall we go to my chamber, per se?" Mike gave me his stupid fucking smile, his catchphrase made me wanna punch him in his stupid fucking face. "Whatever, Fagula" I sighed as mike dragged me up to his bedroom. He swung his door open, it was very dimly lit with a orange tainted light. He had quite a bit bed, shaped as a coffin, of course. Infront of that was his black sofa, covered in a bat patterned blanket and his big TV. To be honest, it was well decorated for a faggy "vampire". "Pete , will you sit, my dark love?" Mike broke my thoughts once again. He was sat on his sofa, tapping beside him. I sighed as I threw myself besides him. "What would you like to watch, per se?" Mike smiled brightly once again. "Whatever, Fagula, like I care" I growled at him. Mike began watching twilight, nothing new. I felt myself slowly fall asleep, leaning into mike's side as I slept. I was too exhausted to care anymore.

[Please note this chapter isn't finished yet, any criticism would be great]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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