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Heather woke up with a pounding headache. She opened her eyes then shut them quickly again because the light hurt, she could hear Carlos and Logan fighting over what game to play. James was out shopping for a special wedding gift for his wife. They were planning on living with Mama Knight until Heather and James could get an apartment of their own. Heather had been feeling miserable all day. She was sure she was going to pass out while they were recording this morning, but she didn't let any of the guys see how bad she felt. It would only make them worry about her and tell James, which she didn't want. She was still doing BTR even though she was married. She sat up slowly but immediately felt nausea. She stood up and ran to the bathroom just in time for her to vomit. Every gag hurt more than the one before. After what felt like an hour, she was able to keep what little food she had in her stomach down.

"Heather, are you in there?" Kendall asked her while knocking on the door. Kendall was her best friend, no her brother. They had been through thick and thin together. Kendall was the only one other than James that had seen her cry really badly. There was still no way that Heather could tell him that she was sick.

"Yeah, I'm in here. I'll be out in a minute" She answered quickly so he wouldn't get suspicious. She stood up and forced herself not to start vomiting again. She looked in the mirror, her eyes had dark bags under them and she was paler than anyone could imagine. Heather felt her stomach twist violently; she let out a moan and dropped to the ground just as she threw up again. She missed the toilet and hit the bathtub. She heard the door fly open.

"Girly what's wrong, are you okay?" Kendall asked her, getting down on his knees so he could try to comfort his sick friend.

"I don't know." Heather muttered between gags, she was surprised the she still had anything left in her stomach. She felt herself getting dizzier by the second.

"You don't feel warm, maybe we should check in with Logan." Kendall suggested.

Kendall carried Heather to her bed. Heather realized why she was having intense morning sickness.

"Hey, can you hand my my phone? I need to text Jo and Camille about something." Heather said and Kendall did as she said.

"Just holler if you need anything." Kendall said and Heather smiled.

Heather quickly texted the girls and asked them if they can meet up with her in one of their apartments. They agreed to meet up in Jo's apartment.


"Guys?! I don't know what's wrong with me, my stomach feels weird, I was throwing up a lot this morning, I'm craving foods I don't even enjoy like pickles... I don't know!" Heather cried out.

"Let's go to the drug store, we'll get you a Pregnancy test, And we'll show you how to do it." Camille advised.

"Okay, Jo? Can you text Kendall and tell him that if James comes home and wonders where I am, just say that I went out with you and Camille." Heather said.

"Sure thing." Jo smiled and did as told.


Heather, Jo, and Camille went to the drug store. Heather got a pregnancy test box and Camille and Jo paid for it.

Heather was shaking with nervousness but Jo told her everything was gonna be okay.

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