3. "Ship-Shape" - Sam Wilson

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Warning: Past relationship that didn't end well, I guess? FATWS Episode 6 spoilers

2888 words

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"Hello?" I answered my ringing phone, not looking at the Caller ID as I put it on speaker phone.

"Hey Y/N!" A familiar voiced greeted.

"Oh, hey Sarah. How are you and the boys?"

"We're doing okay, all things considered. How about you?"

"Doing good, doing good. Currently working on an idea I had last night."

"Another one of those, huh? Just don't catch something in fire." She teased.

I laughed, saying, "that was one time, Sarah! One time!" I heard her laugh with me before we fell into a slightly awkward silence. "So, why'd you call?"

She sighed before responding, "so, I kinda already know what you're gonna say, but I need your help with the boat."

Confused, I said, "I thought you were going to sell it."

"I am, but I'm gonna fix it up first. Will you help?"

"Sarah, I don't have a problem with helping you. We've been best friends since I moved here, you parents practically raised me while my mom worked at the shop. You know I'd help you in a heartbeat."

"I know, I know. But . . . Sam's in town."

"I know? You told me that when you and the boys came over after that Karli girl called you. I'll help you fix the boat, and I don't have to see him."

"Yeah, but . . . he'll be here, too."

"Ha! Never mind."

"C'mon, Y/N. I know you hate him, but I can't think of anyone better to fix it. You're crazy smart, and maybe your mom saved some of the blueprints for it. Please, Y/N?"

"I'm surprised you didn't kick him out, after he left you behind to become some big shot Avenger."

"I know, and I'm still angry with him about that, but he's right. You know what that boat means to him, what it means to you."

I sighed, rolling the idea around in my head. It was a long time before I finally groaned. "Ugh, fine. But I want him no where near me. If I see his face, I'm punching it."


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"Hey Sarah! I found those prints you wanted for the boat, and I also brought my mom's sketches, figured they'd help you find the parts you needed." I called as I pushed the door open with my hip, holding a mammoth box of papers in my hands.

"Aunt Y/N!" A chorus of voices cheered, and I felt two pairs of arms wrap themselves around me.

Chuckling, I said, "Hey, boys! How about I set these down and give you a proper hug, huh?" They stepped back, allowing me to set the large weight on the counter before I opened my arms, hugging my favorite god-nephews. "I missed you troublemakers, too."

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