Chapter 28.

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I woke up hours later to see Alex sitting beside my bed holding Billie, speaking to him in the cutest way.

"Hey." I whispered, tapping Alex's leg.

"Look, Momma's up." Alex whispered to Billie, handing him over to me. He was beautiful. He had Alex's bright, sparkling hazel eyes, and he had Alex's smile, however weird that sounded.

"How do you feel?" Alex asked softly.

"Tired. And don't you make some smart comment about how I just slept for god knows how long Gaskarth." I said, pointing my finger at him as Billie wrapped his tiny hand around my pinky.

"You do know Jack is outside waiting to see you and Billie and he's gonna die soon if we don't let him in here." Alex chuckled.

"Oh bloody hell Jackary." I muttered. "Let him in. Just tell him that he has to actually be calm and quite." I added.

Alex nodded and walked outside, returning a few minutes later with a very excited looking Jack in tow. Jack took a spot beside my bed and grinned at me.

"You wanna hold him don't you Barakat?" I laughed.

"Oh please please please." Jack begged.

"Ok. Don't you dare drop him or you will be dead." I said sternly, passing Billie over to Jack.

"He's so cute!" Squealed Jack, nuzzling his nose against Billie's.

"What's his name?" Jack asked looking up.

"Billie Alexander Gaskarth. And no I do not want to hear about how you are highly offended we didn't name him after you." I said, causing Jack to close his mouth which he had previously opened to protest about that exact thing.

"He's so little." Jack cooed softly. It was weird seeing this side of Jack, usually he was bouncing off the walls with energy but the way he sat there staring at Billie like he was the best thing since sliced bread was adorable to see.

Suddenly Billie let out a cry and Jack pulled his head backwards, startled he looked up at me.

"I swear on my life I didn't do anything!" He begged.

"Jack it's fine, he's probably just hungry." I giggled as Jack gave Billie to Alex who held him upwards and rested Billie's head on his shoulder, patting his back gently. After a few seconds he stopped crying and was looking contently over at Alex with those big brown eyes.

"Where the fuck did you learn how to do that?" Jack asked.

"I dunno.." Alex shrugged.

I smiled, I knew he was going to be a great dad.

After a while Jack left and it was just Alex and I. The nurses had taken Billie for double testing just to make sure he was ok to go home tomorrow.

"Hey you." Alex grinned at me, sitting beside me on the bed.

"Hey yourself." I said, leaning up to meet his lips.

"I love you." Alex mumbled against my lips.

"I love you too Lex." I told him as Alex began pressing butterfly kisses down my jaw, biting down gently on the skin above my collarbone.

"Alex no hickeys." I whined.

Alex looked up at my with a cheeky look in his beautiful brown orbs. I sighed and leaned in, attaching our lips again and within seconds Alex had rolled us over and was straddling me.

"Alex." I giggled softly as Alex ran his fingertips up and down my sides.

"Mm?" Alex hummed.

"You know I can't have sex. One I just had a baby and two we're in a hospital. There's probably security cameras." I told him.

"I can still kiss you though." Alex grinned, kissing my neck.

"That doesn't include teasing." I groaned, twirling his short brown hair around my fingers, pushing him off me.

"You're no fun." Alex pouted.

"I can be a lot of fun thanks Mr Gaskarth, it's just I had your baby so I can't really show you." I told him.

"Well I guess you'll just have to show me when you're capable of doing so." Alex mumbled suggestively, moving away as the nurse came back in and handed Billie to Alex.

"He's fine to go home tomorrow, congratulations." She told us with on of those bright I-really-couldn't-care-less-about-this smiles.

"I wanna take him home now." Alex whined, kissing Billie's forehead.

"So do I but we can't." I moaned.

Alex sat beside me after putting Billie inside the crib thing that the hospitals used.

"I'll stay with you tonight." Alex told me.

"Alex no, you have to go home and make sure everything's set up." I told him, nudging him gently with my elbow.

"It's all taken care of, Adrienne did it for us." Alex told me.

"Oh." I smiled. Adrienne was so sweet, and she was an awesome friend too.

"M'tired." I mumbled to Alex, tugging the covers up over us as Alex kicked off his shoes before laying down and wrapping his arms around me.

"Love you." I muttered, snuggling up against Alex.

"Love you too." Alex whispered before I fell asleep.

The next day Alex and I were allowed to take Billie home.

"You're gonna love it." Alex was saying too Billie while I pulled on the change of clothes Alex had brought with him.

"Ready?" I asked Alex.

"Yep." Alex said, holding Billie securely in one arm and linking the other through mine as we walked out of the hospital too Alex's car where the baby seat was already in place.

I got into the passenger side as Alex put a sleeping Billie in his car seat before he climbed in and started the car.

"So who's coming over today?" I asked Alex.

"No one, I told them that we just wanted to have the rest of the week to ourselves to get used to having Billie around." Alex said grinning at me.

"Yet another reason why I love you." I said smiling at him as Alex pulled into the garage.

I got Billie out of his car seat while Alex went to go and make sure Peyton and Sebastian were outside.

"Alright we're all good." Alex called as I walked inside.

"C'mon I'm sure he wants to see his room." Alex joked, taking Billie from me and stretching his arms above his head so Billie looked down at him. I 'aww'd' quietly when Billie started giggling at Alex.

I walked down the hallway, Alex close behind as I opened the door to Billie's room. Alex began whisking Billie around the room, showing him every corner.

"Alex if you keep moving him around that fast he's gonna throw up on you." I laughed as Alex jogged around the room with Billie.

"Nah he won't!" Alex said dismissively. But much to my amusement a few seconds later Alex squealed as Billie puked all over Alex's shirt.

"So who was right and who was wrong?" I giggled.

"Oh shut up." Alex laughed, handing Billie to me as he went to go and get a clean shirt.

"You're a cheeky one aren't you?" I cooed to Billie as he kicked his legs enthusiastically as a lay him down on the change table, sorting through cute baby onesies Alex had gotten before pulling one out.

I sighed and began pulling off the tiny hospital jumpsuit Billie was wearing that now had baby puke all down its front.

"Better get used to this huh?" I asked him, kissing his nose as he giggled.

I laughed quietly to myself as I heard Alex whining from our room about his shirt. He'd be a great dad.

A/N- New chapter ;) sorry if it's short ugh, I'm sort of losing inspiration for this story, but don't worry I won't stop writing it any time soon I don't think ;) comment and vote guys ;)

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