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A/n edit (PLEASE READ):
heyyy. So i have reread over the first couple of chaperts and wanna say they are horrible. If you are new I just want to say the first 2/3 chapters are really shit because I hadn't gotten into my style yet. Please don't stop reading after the first chapter, wait a little, trust me it gets better.

"Ugh, why does home work have to exist" I say, mainly my my self. I slouch down into my desk chair and open up my text book.

Before too long my study was interrupted.
"Nooooooo" I hear from the other room.
"God dam my brother" I say to myself as I get up to tell him to shut up for the 1 millionth time that afternoon.

I walk into his room to see him playing stupid Minecraft again. It's like he is always on the. We used to hang out but not any more.

"Wilbur, could you shut up for 5 minutes I'm trying to study!" I yell at him.
Yeah yeah, I know what your thinking. Streamer, Wilbur? Yes, I am the younger sister to 'the' Wilbur Soot. To be honest, I don't know what the hype is about, he isn't all that cool. Although i call him Wilbur because the name now just stick, it always seems weird to call him 'Soot' He is Will Gold to me, and I am y/n Gold.

Wilbur POV

"Noooooooo" I scream into my mic as I see the respawn button pop up on my screen.
"Philza you dickhead" I yell again.

Out if the corner of my eye I see a movement. I look to my door to see y/n standing there. She is my younger sister, only 15. I love her to bits, but she can be soooo anoying sometimes. She didn't look happy, especially as our rooms are right next to each other.

"Wilbur, can you shut up for 5 minutes!" She yells at me.
"Sorry. Philza just tricked me and I lost all my stuff-" I tried to explain
"Wilbur, I have a math test on Friday. If I don't study I'll fail" She said, cutting me off.

"Oh I have to study, mh mh mh" I tease her. She hates that. My God, my sister is obsessed with school. It's not that she likes it, but is determined to get a good job. She is always teasing me about how 'shit' mine is. I actually love my job, the streaming and singing one, not my 9 to 5 office job, mainly because I get to do it with my friends.


"Sorry, Philza tricked me and I lost all my stuff-" I cut him off
"Wilbur, I need to study." I say to him. He just rolls his eyes at me. He thinks I'm pathetic because I am so focused on school. It's not like I want to do school work, but I need to get a better job than what he did. Although, he does get to do it with his friends...

I walk over to see what they are doing. I never really liked Minecraft. Mainly because Wilbur always blew up my worlds when I was younger.
I saw they were playing on a new mod that Philza had created. I knew of Philza. He was one of Wilburs close friends.

"What ya doin?" I ask, looking over his shoulder.
"We need to collect as many items as we can before the whole world blows up." He explains "see that timer," I look down to see a timer that says 42:08 on it.
"Yeah" I reply, not really interested
"When that hits zero the world will blow up and we have to go to the end" he says.

All of a sudden a ear piercing scream came though the discord call.
"WiLBuR iS TheRE a WOmaN wITh yOu?" Yells a boy. You don't know many of Wilburs friends, only tubbo,  because he has been like a second brother to you, and Phil, so you can't pick who yelled through the chat.

Wilburs POV

"-the whole world will blow up" I finished explaining the game to y/n, but I could tell she wasn't really listening. All of a sudden I hear Tommys voice yell through the discord chat.
"WiLBuR iS TheRE a WOmaN wITh yOu?" He screams. I just shake my head. He was like my younger brother. I still do not know how mentally stable he is. He thinks he some big tough guy, but in reality he is just a tall 16 year old boy with swearing issues and a terrible posture.
'No Tommy, no women" I say calmly back in the chat.
"Who was it then?" He said half angry half curious "I heard a female"
"It's just my sister. She came in to tell me off" I said between laughs at Tommys stupidness.


"It's just my sister" I hear Wilbur say. I turn back around to face the computer. "She came to tell me off!" He said. I glared angrily at him. He knew I hated him talking about me on discord because there was one kid who is always so exited to hear a 'female voice. It makes me cringe.
"Who was that?" I ask as he mutes his mic.
"Oh, that was just Tommy." He said. "Don't worry, he does it to everyone".

Tommys POV

"It's just my sister" I hear Wilbur say as he muted his mic. I was confused, he had never said anything about having a sister before, and I'm his best friend.
"Phillll" I say, holding the last letter.
"What is it mate" Phil replied, sounding slightly annoyed
"Did you know Wilbur has a sister?" I say
"Yup" he says "She's only about 15. Wilbur talks about her sometimes. She has never been on a stream before though."
I was confused. I texted Wilbur and asked about her.

Wilburs POV

I got a text later that night. It was from Tommy.

Tommy: why have you never told me about your sister

I left it opened. I forgot I hadn't told him about her yet...

If you are reading this Thank you. This is my first ever book so ty <33

960 words

Ps: I like writing long chapters (around 900 to 1000 words) so their may not be as many parts of the story:)

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