Promise I

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ok but first off. Big thanks to Sharon and Rheema for inspiring me to write this. I love you guys. and big shout out to my best friend kayla, as well as anna and abby because I love y'all and you hyped me up.
ok go read. and don't hesitate to lmk how i'm doing or things you like or want to see ! 


Ryan struggled to speak as she tried tending to the slit along his throat. With a worried expression she warned him. "No no no don't try to talk it's making it worse."

She held her hand over his where it was holding the cloth over his neck. The blood was quickly seeping through the cloth. A few more minutes and he would be gone.

Seconds went by. The answer was so obvious to her. "I have a way that i can heal you," Hope told him.

Confident in her decision, she reached for the knife a few inches away from them on the floor and without hesitation, she swiftly made a small cut in her hand, deep to draw enough blood for him to consume.

Hope quickly went to lead her hand to his lips when he pulled back harshly. Looking almost afraid.

Confused, Hope tried again, and again he resisted.

"Don't fight me on this my blood can save you!" she exclaimed, panicked. Thinking back, she remembered what he told her by the car in the woods.

"and i'm not trying to trick you, because once  Malivore finds out I'm free, he's going to want to kill me.... and i won't just resurrect like you."

And then she realized, his Malivore DNA. He doesn't want to go back. Ryan Clarke would rather die than spend another second trapped inside the dark, endless loneliness that was his father.

But if there was a chance he could be saved...if she promised him she'd bring him back....

With him still resisting, she brought her bleeding hand closer. "Clarke listen to me." His head still turned. "Ryan," she called softly.

He turned to meet her gaze with a saddened expression and tears in his eyes. Softly shaking his head and silently pleading.

"Please don't make me." his eyes begged.

Seeing how desperate he looked made her heart ache, but even so, she refused to let him die. He'd had only one day of freedom and she wasn't going to let it stop there. This would merely be a brief intermission.

"Hey," she spoke softly. She placed her clean hand on his cheek, keeping his gaze and strongly assuring her words.

"I promise you... I promise i'll get you out."

His eyes looked uncertain. She needed him to trust her. She knew that. She had to let him know she won't abandon him, not like last time.

"If you do this..." she stroked his cheek with her thumb. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears as she was growing more desperate and running out of time.

"If you do this I'll make sure you won't suffer in Malivore. I'll protect you. I'll put you to sleep, and when you wake up you won't even know you were there. I'll be right there with you," her voice cracked at the end.

A single tear rolled down his cheek and she wiped it away.

"Please let me do this," she whispered, her unshed tears starting to shed.

Watching the gears turn in his head she knew  something got through to him.

Ryan pondered. Searching her eyes he found she was telling the truth. He knew she cared about him deep down, he just wasn't aware how much. Perhaps this was a wake up call for the both of them.

Feeling the warmth of her hand caress his cheek and the look of her pleading eyes, he knew. . She would save him this time. She'll come back.

Ryan nodded. A slow nod. Hope let out a small laugh and a sigh of relief. She brought her still bloodied hand to his lips while the other stroked the back of his head to help hold him in place.

As Ryan felt himself starting to fade, he looked deep into her eyes, searching for some sign of reassurance.

"You're okay. I've got you." she told him softly. Beginning her spell as he was still fading.

With this he should feel only peace and protection. He'll be hidden from Malivore so he won't even know he's there.

She'll get him back....

She promised.

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