"He's not the monster you think he is."III

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I am so sorry it took me so long to post this. anyways thanks to everyone who reads. enjoy. ❤️

Lizzie pondered Hope's summary of the day that had just taken place.

"Sooo let me get this straight. Malivore, in Landon's body, slit Clarke's throat, except technically, he's not dead, his mind just isn't there since he's allergic to the tribrid juice you fed him."

Hope almost laughed at the oversimplification of events but all she could do was muster up a smile and a nod.

Josie spoke next. "Great. Let him stay there.  Now he's not a problem for us and we don't have to worry about him anymore."

Hope flinched, clearly offended by Josie's words. "Ryan wasn't a threat to us in the first place Jo. You saw how the first thing he wanted to do when he got back was help us fight Malivore. If you had just listened to me when I said we should trust him then none of this would have happened."

Almost immediately, Josie's expression switched from neutral to hostile. "Since when did we start calling him 'Ryan,' Hope? I don't remember you two being all buddy buddy when he was literally trying to take over your body."

Hope grew angry at that. "That was different then, he was trying to survive! He didn't know how to ask for help! And personally, I don't blame him. I understand what he's been through now, and if I thought no one would understand the pain and the loneliness that I suffered through for years then I would rely on myself too. He's not the monster you think he is."

Hope caught herself mirroring Ryan's words from the forest just before he told her he was human.

She meant every word of it.

Seconds passed and while Lizzie looked almost understanding and sympathetic, Josie was staring daggers, but Hope didn't back down.

"And before you go and blame him again for your little  'Dark Josie' persona, just remember that we all know your history with black magic started way before Ryan Clarke ever set foot in this school. He picked you because he saw enough darkness in you to save himself."

Josie's expression faltered, and her eyes shined with shock and unshed tears. Hope knew she struck a nerve, but she couldn't bring herself to care right now, she had things to do.

With that, Hope left to return to the only thing that mattered to her right now.


Ryan was settled on what used to be Cleo's half of the room. She'd used a cleaning spell to remove any trace of the bloodied aftermath from hours earlier. Looking over him now she saw how peaceful he looked. How relaxed. The thought only reminded her of what he could be going through in Malivore. What if he wasn't in peace like she promised him he would be? What if the spell hadn't worked?

At this point, Hope felt if she didn't check on him soon, her nerves would get the best of her and Ryan's consciousness would be compromised. The goal was to find a way of communication before the night was over.

She turned to the stack of books on the side table she gathered from the library just after she stormed off from the twins. Reflecting on the conversation, she doesn't regret a thing; everything she said was true. Josie tried to kill her own sister because of a fantasy in her head that she was a victim; Ryan isn't to blame for that! While it's understandable Josie wants, or even needs someone to blame, it's not gonna be him, not on her watch.

The memory of Josie's face before she left interrupted her internal rant; perhaps she shouldn't have said it in such a way. She still loves Josie; she's one of her greatest friends, even after everything that's happened. She'll apologize when she gets the chance, just...not tonight. The schedule for tonight was jam packed.

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