Truth or dare

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Truth or dare

We got to the house and saw everyone already in a circle. Edward motioned for me to sit beside him with Alice on my other side.

Emmett went first.

Bella Truth or Dare?

I looked into the future and saw that either way it would be horrible Truth Emmet.

Have you ever thought about joining the volturi again


Truth or dare Rose.

Dare Bella

I dare you to run over your new bag


she did it

Rose said Edward truth or dare

truth my love said to Rose

Have you ever wanted to join the volturii

No not unless Bella was going

Edward said Emmett Truth or Dare

Emmett said dare (Emmett is being Emmett)

I dare you to go to the costume store buy a princess costume then walk around the mall saying to everyone i'm a little princess.

Once Emmett was done with his dare he said Alice Truth or Dare and no looking

Fine truth Alice replied

Have you ever been jealous of Bella Emmett asked

Yes because she has more stuff than me

Alice said Jasper Truth or Dare

He replied Dare

Alice said I dare you to take me, Rose,and of course she said my name Bella

Jasper did it

End of Chapter

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