1.) Two Commanders

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     It was the middle of Friday, and you were at school eating lunch. You were sitting with your three friends at your normal table.

     "(Y/n)? (Y/nnnnnnnn)...(Y/n)?!" You looked up from your food to your friend who called your name.

     "Sorry, what is it?" you replied sheepishly.

     "We were talking about our possible plans for this weekend when you zoned out. Is everything okay?" the same friend asked, concerned.

     "Yeah, I'm fine, I was just thinking about something," you said, forcing a believable smile.

     No, everything wasn't okay. You got into a fight with some delinquents from your school yesterday. They cornered you on your walk home from school, getting touchy and making you uncomfortable. So what did you do? You beat 'em up, that's what! But them going to your school was to your disadvantage, which it already was. Whenever you walked to a class without your friends, people would give you scared looks. Rumors. The most annoying thing in the world. Of course, everyone believes in what they hear, which is problematic considering your status. You were what they call, a softie, a sweet and gullible girl who's oblivious to almost everything. It covered your real personality, your real intentions, the real you.

"So are you guys free this weekend? I wanted to go to the mall and see if any of you wanted to go?"

"I'm free."

"Same here."

"Sorry everyone, but I already have plans for the weekend. Maybe next time." Nope, you didn't have plans, you just wanted time alone.

"Aw, that's too bad."


"Bye everyone! See you on Monday!" you spoke, walking away.

     Your afternoon classes didn't have any of your friends in them, it was just you and a bunch of strangers. So you wouldn't see your friends till the next week.


The bell rang, signifying the end of the school day, the end of the week. Now you could go home and relax. Well, until you have to go to work.

Yes, you have a job. A simple job as the cashier at the local Mickey D's. Why do you have a job? You live alone, your parents died in a plane crash last year. You've gotten over it and moved on with your life. Can't mope around or you'll be on the streets in a couple days. This was something you told yourself quite often to keep up your motivation.

Getting home, you took off your shoes, tossed your bag and ran for your bedroom, jumped onto the bed, and quickly fell asleep.

Waking up, you looked at your clock. Lucky for you, you didn't over sleep, there were still 30 minutes till your shift started. You got up and changed uniforms so that you were in your job shirt, pants, and visor. Your shift started at 5 and ended at 9. Leaving your apartment, you started walking to the restaurant. It was only half-a-dozen blocks away so you didn't have to waste money on a bus ticket.

Sighing, you walked to the break room in the back, dropped off your stuff, and went back out to the registers.

"Hi! What can I get ya?" you asked cheerfully to a customer. Just in case, even at work you kept up your facade. You took orders, orders, and more orders, all with a smile on your face. Looking at your watch, it was 8:45. Only 15 more minutes and then you could leave.

"Hi! What can I get for ya?" you asked your seemingly last customers. There were two guys, both looked to be around your age. The tall one was blond with a braid, had a dragon tattoo on his head, and wore baggy clothes. The shorter one was also blond, also wore baggy clothes, and when you looked into his eyes, they were dull and empty.

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