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It was 12:33 AM on a Saturday night. Dream lay down on his bed wishing he could fall asleep. His breathing was fast, his eyes watering up, he had a bad panic attack and was about to cry. He felt maybe going for a late night walk would be a good idea. He got out of bed and put on his casual green hoodie and some black jeans. He threw his shoes on, grabbed his phone and headphones and walked out his door, not telling his roommate, Sapnap, where he went. He played a song, Till Forever Falls Apart. He looked at the moon, staring at it while walking. "Woah, the moon looks so pretty tonight" He thought. He crashed into someone- "Ah! Sorry sorry sorry sorry!" The boy kept apologizing. His glasses on the floor, and his phone in the sand of the beach. "God I'm so sorry" Dream stares at the short boy. "It's alright, You're completely fine, I wasn't expecting anyone else to be out this late." The boy smiles, "I wasn't expecting so either, I'm trying to get somewhere right now and was in a rush and wasn't looking" He says as he puts on his glasses. "Where did my phone go?" He searched. Dream grabbed his phone from the sand, "your phone kind sir." The boy laughs, "Thank you" "You're welcome" Dream smiles as the boy stands up and begins to walk away. "Have a nice night!" He runs off. Dream watches as he runs away. Dream sees him disappear around the corner. He proceeds to walk back home, the same direction the boy went. He turned that corner and the boy wasn't there. His smile turned into a frown. "Damn was hoping I could see him" He thought. He opens his door to see a worried Sapnap walking in and out of the kitchen. "Sap?" Dream speaks up. "Dream- holy shit where we're you?? I was worried sick!!" Sapnap said as he pulled Dream into a hug. "I was out for a walk, I had a bad panic attack.." Dream said quietly. Sapnap gasped, "Dream you can always come to me when You're panicking; I'm gonna be here no matter what!" Dream looked down at the floor in guilt. "I know.. but I met this boy-" Dream stopped talking. "Oh god." "Dream?" Sapnap asks. "I never got his number. Or any of his socials. How will I find him again??" Sapnap sighed. "What do you mean?" Dream pulled out of the hug and looked at his phone. "I wanted to get his number, the boy I met today- I wanted his number." Sapnap stared in confusion. "Dream, I'm sure you'll find him again eventually, just go get some rest." Dream sighs, "I guess." Dream goes to his room and lays down. Humming. He sings out loud silently

I've spent a lifetime giving you my heart

I swear that I'll be yours forever

'Til forever falls apart

He finally closes his eyes, the song on repeat. Playing all night. "Goodnight, random boy I met on the beach.." He falls asleep after humming the song for a bit longer.


George was running through the beach. "Shit Shit Shit Shit" George thought. "'I'm gonna be late, shit." He ran through the beach trying his hardest to get to the location running with his phone held tight in his hands. He looked at the moon for a split second while still running. "Holy shit the moon looks pretty tonight"  He crashes into someone completely accidentally, His glasses flying from his face, the grip of his phone loosening as the phone flies somewhere. "Ah! Sorry sorry sorry sorry!" He says to the boy he ran into. The boy had pretty blonde hair and green eyes, he wore a mask. "God I'm so sorry" George kept apologizing. The boy stares at George. George felt his face get red a bit. "It's alright, You're completely fine, I wasn't expecting anyone else to be out this late."
George laughs a bit. "I wasn't expecting so either, I'm trying to get somewhere right now and was in a rush and wasn't looking" He put on his glasses while saying that. George starts to look around. "Where did my phone go?" The boy looks for a minute and grabs George's phone. "your phone kind sir" George laughs. "Thank you" "You're welcome" You could tell he was smiling under his mask. "Have a nice night!" George's shouts as he runs off. Running towards the direction the boy came from. "Shit he was pretty" he thought. He ran around the corner and around another corner. He was heading to his apartment for his final stay. He was only visiting. "George dear! What took you so long?" A girl with long blonde hair said. "Ah Misa, I can't talk at the moment." She huffs. "Georgieeee, why can't you taaalk??" She seemed to be George's girlfriend. "I'm thinking about something." He kept thinking. "George. If you saw another girl and thought she was pretty I swear You're never coming back here again." She glares at him angrily. "What no! No girls hun" he kisses her on the cheek and goes back to thinking. "The cheek?! Why not the lips??" "Why is she being so annoying. She always demands me to do things I don't want to do- when will we be done with this" He glares at her. "Oh sooo sorry. Guess you'll just cry a river and build a bridge over it. Then maybe you can cross that bridge. Or not that's up to you." George said with sass. "Scuze me?! You're not staying here tonight. Go find somewhere else to stay!" She kicked George out of her house. He takes his bags and pulls out his phone, "Maybe that boy from earlier.." He thought, "Shit, I don't have his contact information" He sighs. He wishes he could go back, now he's stuck looking for somewhere to live. He walks for 10 minutes till he sees a boy with dark hair and a headband. "Sir- I have a question" George starts up. "Are you ok? What are you doing out this late with all that stuff?" The boy seemed worried. "Oh my girlfriend kicked me out and I need somewhere to stay for tonight.." The boy looks at George, "My names Sapnap. You can call me Sap." He introduced himself. "My names George. Sapnap? Like the Twitch streamer?" Sapnap smiles. "Aye you know me? That's really cool!" George looked at Sapnap. Sapnap looked at George, "You're British right? What you doing in Florida?" George laughs a bit. "Was here to visit my girlfriend- Er probably an ex." Sapnap nods. "Come on in," Sapnap holds the door open, "Dream wouldn't mind a guest" George walks in "Dream? Like The Dream" George sits down on the couch. "Want anything to eat? Oh and feel free to unpack if you want, do you have your passport back to the Uk?" George gasps- "Shit she tore it up earlier- she didn't want me to go home" Sapnap sighs, "I'll purchase one now. You should be able to go home within a couple days. So do you mind staying here for a bit?" George stares for a bit, "Uhm actually, I am hungry, and Thank you so much Sapnap.." Sapnap smiles. "Ofc!" He pulls something out of the microwave and hands it to George. "It's not much but it's still something" George smiles and eats the food. "Do I just sleep here?" Sapnap nods. "I'm heading to bed George, take care and get some rest." George smiles, "Goodnight" "Night"

George lays down on the couch, "guess I should go to bed though. It is late." He gets up- "shoot should probably put my plate in the dishwasher." He gets up and places the dish in the dishwasher. He goes back to his spot on the couch and lays down. "Goodnight.." he closes his eyes and falls asleep.

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