Part 7: Number 11 First Kill

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//Not going to lie but i might change that title//

4th May 1978:

Once Alfred was satisfied that Oliver was under his control, He had the great western engine teleport back to Sodor with a plan in mind....

Alfred smiled at his newest henchmen, "Perfect it seems like it worked so we can get down to business, I am going teleport you back to sodor...Oliver where i want you to complete a task for me". The seemingly emotionless engine looked at his 'master', "What is it?". Alfred smiled again and whispered to the engine, "I want you to Kill one of your friends for me". The B12 looked closely at the tank engine to see whether he could see any sign of shock but there was none....perfect. Oliver then gave a devilish smile, "It shall be done but which engine master?". "Any will do" Alfred said uninterested. But before Oliver was teleported away, Alfred whispered one last time to him, "If i find out the Spell didnt work on you and you happen to betray me....Lets just say you and that scrap pile brakevan will meet a fate worst than death. With that Oliver was teleported back to Sodor.

(Present Time)
As Oliver chuffed down the line, he was disgusted by the scenery, how could those pathetic humans and engines like such a place? But he didnt care, All he was here for is to complete alfred task. Which engine shall i eliminate though? Thought Oliver. While he was deep in thought, He noticed emily looking trouble by Tidmouth station siding so he decided to join her. Emily glance up and noticed the green tank engine, "Oh hi there oliver. How are you?". Oliver had to pretend he was fine and was the normal 'oliver', "I am Fine...What about you?" He lied. Emily sighed, "Not good, Since Thomas, Gordon, Henry, James deaths and After Edward and Duck left for the Bluebell Railway". Oliver frowned, "Why are those two going to the bluebell railway?". Emily looked at oliver, "Oh you havent heard? It was said that the deaths of four of our friends was caused by Alfred and his spirit is planning revenge on the island. Apparently, Edward feels Lady would be able to help, so after he seeked permission from Sth, he and duck was send there to find her". Oliver was more curious. Obviously Normal oliver knows who is Lady, but 'this oliver' didnt know, "Who is this Lady?". Emily was confused, "Oh you dont know whos lady? Shes a magical engine that thomas saved awhile back from this evil man called PT boomer and his evil creation Diesel 10". Oliver thought for a second...A magical engine? That would be a problem for his master. He got to stop them but first he got to warn alfred, he has to know....However, there was still his task to complete. Emily then asked softly, "Hey Oliver, Can i tell you something. I havent really told anyone this except Edward". The Green Tank Engine was about to speak but he suddenly heard a familiar voice in his head, "Let her speak", He recognises it as Alfred. Oliver showed a fake smile, "Of course Emily". The Tender Engine then told Oliver all about her encounter with Alfred on the Day of Henry's Death. Once she was finished, "You cant tell this to anyone alright oliver". "Of course" lied the green tank engine. Emily smiled, "I knew i can trust you". With that, she puffed off, glad to have someone else to talk to. Unfortunately for her, it was just the wrong engine. Alfred voice return to oliver's mind with the simple command, "Eliminate that Rat, She knows too much". Oliver smirked, "Oh Emily. I cant believe you actually told someone else about what you see. Sadly, i will have no choice but wipe you out from existence because you know to much". Oliver laughed and quickly went to make a plan on just how to lure emily to be alone so nobody can see what he was planning to do.

The Rest of the Day was getting on Oliver nerves, How he wanted the day to be over so he can get on his plan. But fortunately for him, the day was soon over and all of them have return back to their sheds. After the Demise of James, All night trains has been cancelled and no engines are allowed to leave till morning. Currently he was resting in the little western sheds with Donald & Douglas, the scottish twins. After talking for awhile, the two soon fell asleep leaving oliver. The green tank engine looked over at the two and thought, Its time. He slowly puffed out of the shed careful not to wake the two and puffed down the line heading to Emily shed. She was currently sleeping at elsbridge station as she was not able to return back to knapford in time. Once he arrived, he could see the sterling engine sleeping soundly in one of the good sheds with a line of trucks next to her. Oliver smirked, he had it all planned out. He slowly approached the shed, looking around making sure no one was looking. Once he was certain, he chuffed next to the trucks and started slipping his wheels on purpose against the metal rails. It was painful but worth it, he hated the sight of these sodor engines. As he was doing this, he could hear normal oliver screaming deep down. He smirked, how pathetic. At least the "normal oliver" would watch his friend die a slow, painful, burning death. Ignoring the screams, Oliver finally noticed sparks were flying out from underneath his wheels and onto the trucks setting them on fire. At first it wasnt that strong, but then the fire started getting stronger and stronger till all the trucks were in flames. The flames soon became a inferno and the shed itself was on fire too. Oliver then puffed towards a truck sitting by itself but on fire too and pushed it in front of Emily. It hurted alot but he didnt care. "W-Whats going on?" Asked a groggy emily as she was starting to wake up. Oliver quickly slammed the burning truck into emily. The sterling engine finally realised what was going on and scream in pain as the fire of the truck burned her. "OW! OLIVER WHAT ARE YOU DOING? HELP ME!". Oliver took a glance at Emily and could see fear and terror in her eyes. He just chuckled much to emily shock, the sheds was now engulfed in flames. "What a fool for trusting me Emily. Since you about to die like the witch you are, lets just say i am working with Alfred. Thomas, Gordon, James and Henry deaths are all destined and so is your death. It is needed for the greater cause of a bigger plan". Emily was now screaming, "How could you betray us oliver? Why would you work with that demon? We are your friends!". Oliver growled darkly as he slowly puffed backwards, "As if any of you were my friends. Now shut up and die quieter". Once he was back enough from the burning shed, he watched as the screams from the sterling engine withn the shed continue. Without her crew, she was as good as dead. Oliver watched with a smile as finally the fire burned out the supports of the shed causing the burning roof to fall upon emily. Her screams soon stopped and oliver knew she was dead. Alfred voice returned, "Well done my minion. Now its time for you to return to your sheds to prevent suspicion." With that, after one last glance at the still burning remains of the shed. Oliver puffed back to his sheds.

(Next Morning)
Sth was in his office when Tom made his way into his office looking nervous, "Sire you might want to look at this". Tom then showed sth a picture of a live which was taking place at elsbridge right now. The stationmaster was filming it. What he saw was the charred remains of the good sheds. "My lord...what the heck happened". Then he remembered that Emily had been sleeping there for the night. He leapt out of his chair and put his top hat on, "Oh no this is not good, i need to get there fast"....

To be continued...
(Well i am back for a chapter/part after being gone for months now. Next chap/part will probably have to wait for months again :/)

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