Prologue / first viewing: F/GO Yakudou

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Ayee yo, like I said in the description for this book it's mainly to help me get creative juices flowing so I can focus better on my more serious works. Also this book will mainly be focus around the FATE series. But I'll branch out into other shows, movies and tv stuff if its popular enough.

Note: If you see some spelling errors I do apologize I was probably drinking when i was writing those parts. Let me know and I'll fix them.


[Location: unknown]

A flash of light engulfed an unknown room, and just as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared.

Standing in the room, were a group of kids, and some adults.

"What the hell? Where the f*ck are we?!" A blonde hair kid yelled out angrily, his hands letting out mini explosions. "C... Calm down Kaachan," A greenete boy spoke up. "Don't tell me to calm down you f*cking nerd!" the blonde replied back.  Meanwhile murmurs could be heard throughout the room from the rest of the group of kids while they looked on edge and ready to fight.

The adults however were looking around a bit, curiosity and also looking ready to fight at moment. 

The room they were in had a Japanese feel to it, while also mixed with some western aesthetics. A large wide screen TV mounted on the wall, with a game console and computer hooked up to it was seen. in front of the TV were large comfortable sofas and seats.

"Ah, I see your trip here was a safe one, I do apologize for your guys sudden arrival," A gentle yet feminine voice spoke. Which made everyone every freeze while they looked around, Bakugou and everyone had their quirks ready for an attack.

Out of nowhere as a haze was lifted, there stood a woman with beautiful golden blonde hair that reached to her butt, cut in a hime-style. Her hair colour was a golden blonde. She wore a casual style of dress, consisting of a floral patterned dress that was shin length, black knee high socks with slippers. They had nice curves in the right places, with golden colored eyes that barely glowed but showed they had power behind them. The most eye catching besides their beauty, were the 9 tails that were gently swaying behind them. She stood at a height of 6ft 2inches tall (187cm). Besides the 9 tails, and her height another eye catching thing was the size of her bust, which were in the E cup range, bordering F.

A small 3ft 6inch tall kid couldn't help but stare with such perverseness she hasn't felt in a long time it made her feel quite disgusted but didn't outwardly show it, but the give away of her annoyance were her tails twitching, she also saw that the others couldn't help but stare as well but I knew it was more out curiosity and shock from my sudden arrival. Till the explosive hot head decided to speak up, "Who the fuck are you?! And where the hell are we?!" He asked, more like demanded. "H..Hey bakubro I think you should cool it for a bit, I don't know about you, but they don't look like someone we should mess with." A red head spoke up. "You serious? She's total babe! I mean look at her chest, and those curves!" The short kid spoke up.

The woman giggled in amusement, the small kid that was dressed like a grape felt something smack them on the back of the head hard enough to send them to the floor hard as some fox spirits laughing as they floated pass them. "He's right you know, you shouldn't really mess something beyond your abilities. By the way, while you were all distracted, I deactivated your quirks so you can't use them." She said rather casually. It took them to realize what she had said since her saying that she deactivated, and sealed their quirks rather casually they didn't really process it, till the kids all just screamed, "WHAT?!" They said in shock as they tried to activate their quirks to not have them work.

The woman just laughed at their expressions, "Anyway let me introduce myself, my name [Words can't be comprehended] but you can call me Thunder, or Hisakawa, either or works fine to be honest." she said giving a bow. "Though I also go by many other names as well, though I doubt you could understand what they mean, with your mortal ears." she added, while having a fox like grin.

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