Cg: Wilbur, Phil, And TechnoLittle: Tommy (3)
Summary: Wilbur has work and Tommy can't wait for him to get back
Phil looked at Tommy giving him a glare, Wilbur had left for work and Little Tommy wasn't use to it so he was grumpy today.
"Tommy please eat" Phil said "Nuu" Tommy whined kicking his feet harshly "Tommy" Phil said more stern as a warning.
"Humph! Don wan eat" Tommy pouted crossing his arms "You don't have to eat right now, Why don't you go in the living room and watch some cartoons?" Phil said not wanting to deal with a tantrum.
Tommy smiled going to the living room, Phil followed Tommy with his plate and sat down on the couch to eat... Hey atleast a grumpy little is an excuse to eat and watch tv.
"Pil Were Wilbur?" Tommy asked sitting next to Phil "Hes at work" Phil said.
"Oh... I 'ate (hate) Wilbys work, They take him form me!" Tommy said "Oh bubs he will be back soon I promise" Phil said.
"Otays" Tommy said laying his head on Phils shoulder.
-An hour later-
The next time Tommy acted up was with Techno.
They were outside in the back yard, Techno was gardening and Tommy wanted to help but Techno wouldn't let him.
"Pease" Tommy whined giving Techno puppy dog eyes "Sorry Toms but no" "Hmm, Your a meanie" Tommy said.
"Yep sure I am" Tommy stared at Techno before deciding to attempt to push him over, He slightly succeeded not pushing Techno over fully.
"Tommy Don't do that" Techno said, Tommy rolled his eyes "Where Wilby?" He asked.
"Hes at work He will be back soon" Techno answered.
Tommy slightly whined before picking up a potato and taking a bite out of it "Eww" Tommy spit the potato out before putting the potato on Techno's lap.
"Seriously Tommy" Techno said moving the potato "Mhm" Tommy hummed reaching out for the seeds Techno was putting in the garden.
"No Toms no seeds" Techno said pushing his hand away, Tommy pouted before taking his leave.
Tommy walked into the living room hearing the front door open, Tommy looked at the door smiling when he saw who it was.
" 'Ilby!" Tommy giggled running up to Wilbur "Tommy!" Wilbur said smiling.
Wilbur picked Tommy up "Where you good when I was gone?" Wilbur asked "Um... Yews" Tommy lied "Uh huh sure"
"Cuddwes?" "I'll give you all of the cuddles" Wilbur smiled "But first let me get changed, We don't want to cuddle in work clothes now do we?" "Nu huh, Work bad" Tommy said "I agree" Wilbur laughed.
Tommy never acted up with Wilbur and he never would.
Tommy and Wilbur were cuddling when Techno and Phil walked in the room "Go 'way you gon make him go back to mean place" Tommy whined.
"Mean place?" "Mhm work" Tommy said "Oh buh they don't make me go there" Wilbur said "Oh... Hmm stills you mine" Tommy said.
"Am I now?" "Yews" "Alright then you hear him go away" Wilbur joked "Nuu We need More cuddles" Tommy said.
"I swear he only wants us for cuddles and cartoons" Techno said sitting next to them on the couch " 'Toons?" Tommy questions tilting his head.
"Yep Yep I know" Techno said grabbing the remote and turning on up.
"Wilby, Don go back to works... Pease" Tommy mumbled slowly falling asleep.
Even tho Tommy could act up he was still a very good kid, Sometimes he would just only listen to Wilbur and other times Phil and Techno would just have to bribe Tommy with Cookies.