Planing the sleepover and inviting people

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Chloé is nice in this by the way and Adrien/CN knows LB's true identity and Mari/LB knows CN's true identity and everyone in there class knows there true identitys minus Marc, Nathanel, Lie-La  🤢 🤮 and everyone who isnt Juleka, Rose, Sabrina, Chloé, Luka, Alya, Nino, Adrien and Mari

Adrien: Hey father can i have a sleepover

Gabriel: With who

Adrien: Mari, Alya, Nino, Chloé, Luka, Juleka, Rose and Sabrina

Gabriel: Ok but we only have 5 spare rooms so 6 peope will have to share for eexsample Chloé and Luka or Nino and Alya or You and Marinette

Adrien: O-Ok *Goes to his room and gets letters* *Writes*

1st letter:

Dear Mari❤️,

I am having a sleepover if you come pack your bags and come to the Agrest emansion tommorow at 11AM

Love Adrien

P.S. Bring Tikki plagg wants so see her cause he loves❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍 🥰😍 🥰😍 🥰😍 🥰😍 🥰😍 🥰😍 🥰😍 🥰😍 🥰😍 🥰 her


Adrien: No hehe 😋😈😋😈😋😈😋😈😋😈😋😈😋😈😋😈😋😈😋😈


Adrien: No

2nd letter:

Dear Alya,

I am having a sleepover if you come pack your bags and come to the Agrest emansion tommorow at 11AM

From Adrien

3rd letter:

Dear Nino,

I am having a sleepover if you come pack your bags and come to the Agrest emansion tommorow at 11AM

From Adrien

4th letter:

Dear Chloé,

I am having a sleepover if you come pack your bags and come to the Agrest emansion tommorow at 11AM

From Adrien

5th letter:

Dear Luka,

I am having a sleepover if you come pack your bags and come to the Agrest emansion tommorow at 11AM

From Adrien

6th letter:

Dear Juleka,

I am having a sleepover if you come pack your bags and come to the Agrest emansion tommorow at 11AM

From Adrien

7th letter:

Dear Rose,

I am having a sleepover if you come pack your bags and come to the Agrest emansion tommorow at 11AM

From Adrien

8th letter:

Dear Sabrina,

I am having a sleepover if you come pack your bags and come to the Agrest emansion tommorow at 11AM

From Adrien


Adrien: No *Posts all the letters*

At Maris house

Mari: *Gets the letter opens it and reads* Dear Mari I am having a sleepover if you come pack your bags and come to the Agrest emansion tommorow at 11AM Love Adrien P.S. Bring Tikki plagg wants so see her cause he loves her

Tikki: *Blushes*

Mari: Looks like you have a crush Tikki

Tikki: Maybe

Mari asked her parents if she could go to the sleepover and they said yes. The next day at 11AM everyone is now at the Agreste mansion in Adriens room

Gabriel: Ok we have 5 spare room so someone will share with Adrein 2 people will share a room and 2 will share another so Alya and Nino will share, Juleka will be on her own, Rose will be on her own, Sabrina will be on her own, Chloé and Luka will share and Marinette and Adrien will share (Mari and Adrien are going to be in Adriens room)

Adrien and Mari: *Blush*

Everyone goes into Adreiens room

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