unexpected royalty

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"Well yes but-" Bakugou cut him off "So you're just some namby pamby Prince, spoiled by the king am I right?" He said walking over to a gap that had a view of the castle.

"Yes, I am a Prince but it's not like I wanted to be. A bit like you not wanting to have to steal for food and other supplies. Lately I've just been wanting to be treated like everyone else, I don't want to be pampered whilst I know people like you, who have to steal to live, aren't treated the way I am. I know I can't complain but-" he was cut off yet again "what the hell are 'ya saying?! I mean it's not the best but living without that thrill of the chase wouldn't be worth it. In some ways I do wish to live in somewhere like where you do but if I did, I wouldn't need to do what I like- running." Bakugou told him.

"I see... May I make a suggestion?"
"Go ahead princey"
"How about in exchange for helping me to do all my duties and then running around in the kingdom and having fun, you could live in the castle with me and my family. There's only three of us but I'm sure one more person would be accepted, they're really understanding!"
"So basically a servant, don't you already have hundreds of them? Plus understanding? Tell them that when they hunt me down as if I were nothing more than a wild animal."
"Hm...well its either that or..."
"Or what?"
"Be a prisoner, I could just easily take you back to the castle by force and be rewarded with gold galore, you'd be stuck in cell. Sounds cruel of me I know but due to many wanted posters I'm sure that all will go to plan" the Prince told him

"In no utter circumstance am I going to be a stupid servant boy for some bratty Prince!" Bakugou snarled back at him "I'd rather rot in-" he was cut off by both his arms being pinned behind him. Izuku found some spare rope and tied it around bakugou's hands. "Hey stop that! Let go! Shitty Prince!" He yelled while being dragged through the town streets.

Sorry this one was so short, but I'll be sure to publish a longer one soon, probably later today actually. I hope you enjoyed and as usual have a lovely day, remember to eat, drink and sleep regularly! Love yall (platonically) and I bid you adue!

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