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♡ Minnie ♡


Cam : hey Ella I'm so sorry, I didn't call and tell you what happened.

Me : it's fine.

Cam : Ella no its not, let me take you to dinner or a movie???

Me : I guess.

Cam : ;)

Me : :)

I throw my phone down pet Kaiser's head before going into ny bathroom and washing up.

When I get out, I throw on some comfortable clothes, grey sweatpants, grey belly shirt top and J's

I brush my hair and put it into a high ponytail before putting on some lip gloss, blush, eyeliner and mascara.

"Gabby, some boy is at the door for you." I hear Rylan yell from downstairs "yeah, he doesn't talk." Riley says.

"Coming." I fix my hair before running downstairs "Gabriella where are you going." Vanessa walks up.

"With my friend." I say "friend." I hear my dad hiss "he looks like a boy." He rolls his eyes "dad." I whine.

"A hoodlum." Vanessa agrees, she was still mad about our argument. "you kay not leave." my dad slams the door.

"DAD!!" I screech "in your room now, and think about what you almost did." my dad demands.

I scream in frustration before stomping upstairs and slamming my down shut! how dare my dad slam the door in Cameron's face like that!!

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