Reunited Family

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"William, where are you?" Asked Odd. "William, William!" Asked Odd around the town and searched for William. Odd walked under a bridge and saw William sitting under the bridge.

"William?" Asked Odd. William was sitting under the bridge cross-legged and his elbows on his legs and holding his hands on his own face.

"Will, are you okay?" Asked Odd. William puffs.

"I'm okay, I just... huh," Said William.

"Just what?"

"Just that I didn't tell her, that I love her or that I like her or you know what I'm meaning"

"Yes, I do," Said Odd and sat next to him. "What should I tell him to get better?" Though Odd.

"Should I show you around Tokyo?" Asked Odd. William though for a second.

"Okay, why not," Said William.

"Good," Said Odd and stand up and helped William stand up.

"Do you want to go to the hotel and take a shower?" Asked Odd.


"Cause you hum like my dog"

"Okay, so where did you check us in?" Asked William.


"Mom, Dad Yumi is here," said Takeho.

"Yumi," Said the mother of Takeho, who also is her grandmother.

"Grandma," Said Yumi and hugged her.

"What did take so long to come?" Asked Yumi's grandfather.

"The taxi, that was taking me to the airport had a problem and later I missed the plane and have to go another way." Said Yumi.

"But if there wasn't William, a friend of her, she probably didn't make it until here." Said Takeho.

"Where's Hiroki?" Asked Akiko.

"I'm here mom" Said Hiroki and came from another room.

"Hiroki," Said Yumi.

"Yumi," Said Hiroki and ran to her big sister. Yumi hugged Hiroki.

"Aww," Said the family.

"Did you miss me?" Asked Hiroki.

"Of course I missed you, you're my little brother." Said Yumi.

"But I'm not so little anymore," Said Hiroki.

"I know "

"Yumi, can I give you and Ulrich tomorrow the rings?" Asked Hiroki.

"Of course you can," Said Yumi and pet his hair.

"Yumi, come I want to show you, your wedding dress you're going to use." Said Akiko and went with her and the grandmother to a room.

Back to Odd and William.

"And there's the Tokyo Tower," Said Odd and showed William the big red and white tower.

"Looks like the Eiffel Tower," Said William.

"Yes, I thought the same. I even called it Eiffel Tower."

"What will you do tomorrow on Yumi's wedding, when you don't come?" asked Odd.

"I don't know, show some places her in Tokyo."


"What did you do, when I wasn't here?"Asked William.

"Well, first I met a girl named Yuki, she showed me around Tokyo and also showed me this hotel. I, her and Ulrich went to a Japanese restaurant eating, and yesterday, I went with Ulrich to a Disco and...Erm"

"You got drunk?" Asked William.

"Kinda, I was drunk and make Ulrich drunk too, so today I woke up with gypsies under the bridge and Ulrich in a bed of a foreign girl."

"And will Ulrich tell Yumi that?"

"He said no, and he also told me to not tell her, so now that you know that. Don't tell her that!" Exclaimed Odd.

"Okay, I don't want to ruin that" Said William.

"You know what"


"Tomorrow I gave her some money as a gift for the marriage and don't go to the wedding"

"Why don't you want to go to the wedding"

"I don't want to let you down, when you're feeling bad"

"I'm not feeling bad"

"And how about tomorrow?"

"I just go to her and gave her some money like you and tell her goodbye"

"Okay," Said Odd and walked with William.

"If you need anything tomorrow, you know you can ask me"

"I know, I know," Said William.

"Hey, do you want to go to a restaurant?" Asked Odd.

"Okay, I fell very hungry, on the train they have only sold sandwiches and other things."

"Well, here you eat sushi, rice and some other fishy things and you use chopsticks"

"Oh now that's difficult to use"

"I teach you it, like Yuki did it to me"

"Who is Yuki?" Asked William.

"A beautiful girl, I met at the first day here"

"Do you like here?"

"I think yes"

"Does she like you?"

"Well I'm not sure"

"Is Yuki that girl, who asked you, that you slept with Gypsies?"

"Yes, she was kinda of jealous or excited or... Oh no... Do think she is..."


"I must go to her" Said Odd and ran away.

"Hey Odd to apologize her, gave her some flowers, or something that she or Japanese girls like" Said William loud.

"Okay, thanks for the tip!"

"You're welcome!"

"You're the best buddy I ever had!"

"And you're my best buddy I ever had!" Said Odd and disappeared at next corner.

"Wish you good luck with her" Wished William. "at least you have someone who seems to like you" Though William and kept looking to the place where Odd did disappear. William smiled a bit and walked to a bus station in the near.

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