Chapter 1

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I slam the door shut behind me when I walk into my home. I've just had the worst day at work. So many things went wrong. "Harry?!" I call out. ~no reply~ 'Great, he's still not at home!' I snap to myself in my head.

I carelessly toss my bag on the couch and storm upstairs for a shower and a change of clothes. I have a relaxing shower and decide to go for a run. Shoving on my clothes and shoes frantically, I stroll out of my room and go towards the dining room.

I write a small note to Harry and furiously walk out of the house, slamming the door shut behind me, for the second time. I pace yourself and just jog.

I keep jogging, passing the places I know like some coffee shops and some small grocery stores, and some that I don't, like a creepy looking dry cleaners place.

Keeping my head high, blonde hair swaying from side to side and breath under control, I notice that it's starting to rain. "Shit" I quietly cuss under my breath. Clearing my head from any other thoughts,I focus on work.

'That little piece of crap, thinking he can boss me around, I can do my own work, I don't need orders from some idiot,' I angrily think to myself, 'If only I could say something without getting fired. Oh to hell with the work, what if he follows me home like he threatened?'

My hair is all wet from the rain and my clothes stick tightly to my curvy body. I decide to stop and take a rest, sitting on the bench at the local park.

I try to think about my problems and how you I solve them. But I can't. I just break into tears. Cupping my face with my wet hands, I cry crocodile tears. I hear heels clonking, rain droplets hitting umbrellas and people chatting.

No one stops to help me. No one cares. "What kind of society do we live in?!" mutter angrily. 

'Oh that's right! One where no ones gives a crap about me and use me and threaten me!!' I silently sob in my head.

It feels like I've been sitting here for hours. Just crying, trying to think clearly but failing miserably.

I feel tender arms brush up against my soaking back, stroking up and down, comforting me. Managing to open my wet eyes, I carefully look up to see Harry's sparkling green eyes looking into mine.

I tightly wrap my arms around Harry's muscular body, squeezing him tightly. "Hush now Evelyn" I hear his raspy voice crackle. He gently wipes away the meaningful tears from my flawless face revealing my deep hazel eyes.

I know that I can always rely on him no matter what. When my world crumbles he's always there, looking out for me. He cares.

"Is it that asshole from work?"  

I reply with a small nod. 

"I'll beat him up for you" he says in a harsh tone, "only if you want me to",his voice softer. 

"No, just talk to him darl" I hush in response to Harry's 'generous' offer.

We both giggle gently. Harry always knows how to make me smile, whatever the situation, whatever the problem. His dimples can now be seen on his tan face.

"I'll talk to him" Harry states, emphasizing strongly on the talk. "come here babe" I hear as Harry pulls me in a bit closer as my soft lips entwine with his plump lips.


Ok just letting you know, Harry IS NOT IN ONE DIRECTION in this fanfiction! Just clearing up any confusion for chapters later on :)


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