Chapter 4

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"Hey Jacob" Anna said when she walked in

"Anna dont talk to me, you clearly have a boyfriend" he snapped back

"No i dont jacob that is my ex carter, he means nothing to me. You mean more to me and i really like you" she answered back

Oh my god did i just say that she thought back to herself. All she could do is blush and  look away. He probably thinks im desperate and a loser. Jacob looked up at her and smiled. 

"You like me?" he asked very curiously with a little smile on his face

"Yes i do and i wanna be with you. i wanna be your country girl" she answered back

Jacob couldn't help but smile at the sound of this. He knew what he had to do but didnt know when he was going to make her his girlfriend. He really liked her and wanted her to be the girl he takes mudding on the weekends. He needed to talk to Becca and fast. 

"Hey Becca wait up" Jacob hollered 

"Wassup jacob" She answered back

"So you know how i really like Anna?" he asked

"OMG you do" she said

"Yes alot, Do you think i should ask her out tonight after the movie?"

"yes you should" she answered back

"Ok i will" he stated

The bell rang and they both went to class. 

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