When I Fell (An Avengers FanFiction) by @Into_the_Oblivion

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When I Fell (An Avengers Fanfiction)

By: @Into_The_Oblivion

Summary: Known as Shadow to most, Evelyne Bissette is one of the most powerful mutants alive. She is gifted with the strange and frightening ability control shadows- the darkness consumes everything, harbors ghosts, and is the creation.

After and incident in the War Against Magneto, which Evelyne barely escaped, she found peace and safety in the woods, far away from all the battling and danger.

But that serenity is disrupted when, after a reunion with supposed-dead Charles Xavier and the rest of the new X-Men, Evelyne finds herself prisoner of the organization she fears most-S.H.I.E.L.D. Then the new X-Men's empty jet crashes into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s hellicarrier carrying a dirty memory stick that will change her life.

On it, is a video of a fiery man that calls himself the Inferno- an extraterrestrial force who has captured the New X-Men and plans on ridding the earth of all mutants and superheroes.

Evelyne is forced to join forces with the new Terra Initiative to save the entire mutant species, and those who she loves the most.

But this is one fight that humanity and mutants alike may not win.

Genres: Fantasy, Action, Fiction, Fanfiction, Mystery, Suspense

Our Thoughts: We really like the character of Evelyne. She just has this bright, bubbly, and sarcastic personality that just kind makes you want to laugh (and her bet with Logan has to be a favorite). What we really love is that she's a relatable character, and it shows it with her struggle through things that we also struggle with. For example: learning to accept yourself, feeling like you don't belong, which is something Evelyne is also grappling with. Evelyne also has a lot of admirable qualities that balance her shortcomings which makes a fantastic character. She's strong, determined, and knows how to get things done. Even the funny things she does, we all do sometimes. "Turn off the damn lights." (Evelyne Bissette, chapter 6) How many of us hate getting up for work or school? (To all those who are morning people, we respect you!)

Speaking of characters, we really like the way all of these Marvel characters are portrayed in this fic. For example, Tony and Peter are written fantastically! The plot is fresh and unique, and makes us yearn for more! This is a great fanfic for all you X-Men and Avengers fans. It hooks us in right from the start, so we hope it hooks you in too! Give it a read!

Best Comments Ever: "Shut it I growled, giving her my best I-Can-Slap-Your-Face-Really-Hard-And-Make-It-Hurt-A-Lot look." (Evelyne Bissette, Chapter 7) @WaterGemstone "Lol! I have mastered that look!"

Funny quotes: "Captain America! I did a triumphant little dance in my mind. I got to meet Cap before Liz did! Boo-yah! But then I looked to my right and saw one of the world's most wanted criminals, Loki of Asgard. Who I've heard Liz say has telepathy. Crap. And is a master of magic. Double crap." (Evelyne Bissette Chapter 7)

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