Chapter 10

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It was now the time for the plan to take place. On my way out walk by the lab and see Jin locking up.

Y/n - "Hey you ready to go"

Jin - "Yeah, just let me lock up first"

Y/n - "Kay"

I watched him slide his key card and inputting a pin code to properly close the door. I then watched as he placed the keycard into the pocket of his coat.

Jin - "Ok I'm done"

Y/n - "Great, shall we go then?"

Jin - "Yeah"

We walk out to the front of the station as we walk out I carefully slide my hand into his coat pocket. Grabbing the key card and dropping it on the ground so Yoongi can pick it up

~ Yoongi's Pov ~

I watch as Y/n grabs the card dropping in on the steps. As soon as they're no longer in my sight of view I run-up to the stairs picking up the card.

Yoongi - "Namjoon I got it"

Namjoon comes out and follows me into the station. Once at the lab I see that there's a pin required to open the door.

Yoongi - "Namjoon there's a code"

Namjoon - "Here I got this."

He said running off

Yoongi - "Namjoon where are you going"

Soon he came back with some tape

Yoongi - "What are you doing?"

Namjoon - "I'm getting the code, duh"

He placed pieces of tape over the number pad. Then he removed it and wherever the fingerprint was, went with that specific number. With a guess, Namjoon put in the numbers as he then swiped the key card. Allowing us full access to the lab.

Namjoon - "See, I knew what I was doing"

Yoongi - "Yeah yeah, I get you're smart"

We walked inside and carefully gathered the evidence placing it all inside a box. When we were done we left the station, heading to the parking lot. As we were heading to the car we saw Jungkook heading our way

Jungkook - "Yoongi, is my baby girl here?"

Yoongi - "She's not your baby girl"

Jungkook - "Just tell me whether she's here or not"

Yoongi - "She's not, and even if she was she wouldn't want to see you"

Jungkook - "come on I know she still loves me"

Yoongi - *scoff* "Yeah right"

Jungkokook - "Oh Yoongi don't tell me you fell for her too"

Namjoon could see that there was some tension between Jungkook and I.

Namjoon - "We really have someplace to be"

Jungkook turns his look over to Namjoon

Jungkook - "And who are you?"

Namjoon - "Hi I'm Kim Namjoon, Suga's friend"

He said extending his hand to him. Jungkook shakes his hand as he asks

Jungkook - "Suga?"

Namjoon - "Oh yeah it's a nickname"

Jungkook - "Well I'll see you later then Suga"

He said walking past us. Quickly we went to the car

Namjoon - "Ok let's go"


Back in Ilsa, Namjoon began rerunning the test on the evidence

Namjoon - "This will take a few days. So come back in a couple of days I'll have it ready till then. I'll call just to be sure"

Yoongi - "Ok and thanks again for doing this"

Namjoon - "Of course, what are best friends for"

Yoongi - "Alright I'll see you in a few days"

~ Y/n's POV ~

Jin I walked to a nearby restaurant. We were seated where we ordered off the menu

Jin - "So how come you didn't ask Yoongi to join you? You guys are always together"

Y/n - "One of his friends is visiting so they're spending time together."

Jin - "Oh well I'm glad you asked me"

Y/n - "Yeah, I figured since you're friends with Jimin then why can't we"

Jin chuckled a bit

Jin - "I'd really like that"

He smiled at me as he said

Jin - "How's your brother been anyway? I haven't been able to visit him yet"

Y/n - "He's doing better. Nothing's really changed"

I sadly said looking down at my cup

Jin - "Sorry I didn't mean to upset you"

He said as he reached his hand over to grab mine. I removed my hand before he could touch me. Placing my hands on my lap.

Y/n - "It's fine, at least he's doing better"

Jin - "We can change the topic if you want"

Y/n - "Yeah, we should. Uhh tell me about yourself"

Jin - "What do you want to know?"

Y/n - "Anything"




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